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External News

Issue date: 
25 Feb, 2011

Land management change urgently needed: Jeffery

AN urgent imperative exists to change how the Australian landscape is managed, for food security and climate change reasons, especially farmland, according to former Governor General, Major-General Michael Jeffery.

Issue date: 
February 24, 2011

Biomass plays part in sustainable forestry

People called them bulls of the woods -- the logging company bosses who could out-chop, out-saw, out-spit, out-cuss and out-brawl any man in the camp.

Issue date: 
February 24, 2011

Sawlog costs for many sawmills around the world went up during 2010

Issue date: 
February 24, 2011

U.S. allocates first of $30M in grants for forest conservation in Sumatra

The U.S. government announced the first grants under the first phase of its 2009 Tropical Forests Conservation Act agreement with Indonesia.

Issue date: 
Feb 24, 2011

Pöyry received the notice to proceed for the EPC Open Book BOP contract announced on 8 February 2011

Helsinki, Finland, Feb 24, 2011 - In early February 2011 Pöyry's Industry business group was awarded an assignment by MWV Rigesa Ltda., Brazil for the expansion of its paperboard mill in Três Barras, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The total value of Pöyry's contracts is about BRL 325 million (about EUR 144 million) of which a majority consists of the EPC Open Book BOP contract. The total value has now been booked into the order stock.

Issue date: 
February 25, 2011

India commits $10 billion to expand forests

The Indian government has approved a bold plan to expand and improve the quality of its forests as a part of the nation's National Action Plan on Climate Change. The reforestation plan, dubbed the National Mission for a Green India (NMGI), will expand forests by five million hectares (over 12 million acres), while improving forests quality on another five million hectares for $10.14 billion (460 billion rupees).

Issue date: 

National Training Workshop on "Forest Carbon Stock Assessment for REDD in Pakistan"

ISESCO commenced its National Training Workshop on "Forest Carbon Stock Assessment for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) on 14th February, 2011, at Islamabad.

Issue date: 
Feb 25, 2011

The results of the VIII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum: solid investments will flow to Siberia

Issue date: 
Feb 25, 2011

Timber industry complex of the Leningrad Region came out of a recession

Issue date: 
Feb 25, 2011

The investments in the timber industry complex of the Perm Territory to reach RUR 25 bln


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by Dr. Radut