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External News

Issue date: 
01 March 2011

UK to devise standalone carbon permit system

London – The UK said it will opt out of a common European Union platform for auctioning carbon permits in the next phase of the bloc's emissions-trading programme, which starts in 2013, and will develop a national system instead.

Issue date: 
23 February 2011

UNEP’s 2011 Sasakawa Prize Winners Focus on Forest Conservation

23 February 2011: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced two projects aimed at conserving forests and promoting sustainable development in remote rural communities in Latin America and Asia, as the 2011 recipients of the Sasakawa Prize.

Issue date: 
01 March 2011

The Finnish experience to enhance the development of Karelian biofuel technologies

Issue date: 

Timber processing in Brazil commands new technology

An international technology company has received an order to supply another timber product processing system to the MDF plant of Arauco do Brasil SA.

The technology group, Andritz, has been contracted by the company to provide a third pressurised refining system at the plant in Jaguariaíva. It is the 11th such system that the company has provided to MDF manufacturers in the company, indicating the robust health of the timber product market.

Issue date: 
February 27, 2011

No projects submitted yet for Norway funds

…three months after Jagdeo’s outburst about World Bank delay

Issue date: 
27 February 2011

UK 'to end direct aid to 16 countries'

The UK is to stop direct aid to 16 countries, including Russia, China and Iraq, papers seen by the BBC suggest.

Issue date: 
February 10th, 2011

FAO highlights exemplary forest management in the Dominican Republic and Guyana

In 2007 the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations began a search for instances of good forest management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The results of that search were published last year, with the hope that the cases highlighted would provide inspiration and guidance for policy-makers and resource managers across the region. The resulting report is called Standing Tall: Exemplary Cases of Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Issue date: 
Feb 24, 2011

UN-REDD Launches New "UN-REDD Report" Series

Issue date: 
February 22, 2011

Asia Pulp & Paper Lays Out Key Milestones On Path to 100 Percent Pulpwood Supply Certification

Sustainable Forest Management Plan for the Nicola Thompson Fraser Area of British Columbia


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by Dr. Radut