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External News

Issue date: 
January 8, 2011

Canadian Forests: See the forest for the trees

Canadian Forests Facts & Figures:

Issue date: 
7 January 2011

Johann Hari: For sale - Cameron's green credentials

Can you hear the silence of the huskies? When he was rebranding the Tory party, David Cameron promised us he would lead "the greenest government ever". Since he came to power, he has broken every environmental promise he made – and then gone much further.

Issue date: 
08 January 2011

Kerosene price increase hurting poor households

Dar es Salaam.  The price of kerosene rose by six per cent effective Wednesday this week as the global economic recovery increases demand for petroleum products.

Issue date: 

Forestry Commission forecasts high demand for wood

The UK Forestry Commission is predicting that the increased use of wood-fuelled boilers could boost the industry.

According to the commission, there has been a growth of businesses and consumers opting to install eco-friendly biomass boilers to reduce fuel bills and lower emissions.

In particular, the Forestry Commission highlighted the recent decision of Bradford council to use biomass fuel at its City Hall and Ilkley Town Hall as part of commitment to reduce greenhouse gases by 20 per cent in 2010/11.

Issue date: 
January 5, 2011

Women Are Key to Conservation

Issue date: 
January 4th, 2011

Cancun’s ‘rushed’ forest deal

From the start of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in Cancun, a global agreement to curb carbon emissions by stopping widespread deforestation was expected to be one of the talks’ main achievements.

Issue date: 
January 4, 2011

Forests Stand Taller after UN Climate Negotiations in Cancun

The challenge to delegates at United Nations (UN) climate negotiations in Cancun, Mexico was to “Show Cancun Can!”. And for forests, Cancun did!

Issue date: 
10 December 2010

All Our Forests Sit on Gold

It appears Ghana would have some tough decisions to make in the future regarding whether it should allow mining in the country's forest reserves or not. This is because, as explained by Mr.

Issue date: 
January 5, 2011

Climate colonialism by stealth

Strict emissions control standards can impoverish the world’s poor and their less-developed governments alike
Issue date: 
January 5, 2011

Mexico, the Leader in Community Forest Management

MEXICO CITY, Jan 5, 2011 (IPS) - Thanks to its experience with community forestry projects, Mexico can provide tips on how to manage forests while fomenting the development of local economies in 2011, the International Year of Forests.

Every year, some 13 million hectares of forests are lost worldwide, and deforestation is responsible for 20 percent of total emissions of carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).


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by Dr. Radut