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External News

Issue date: 
Tuesday 21 December

Why Bolivia stood alone in opposing the Cancún climate agreement

We were accused of being obstructionist, obstinate and unrealistic. But we feel an enormous obligation to set aside diplomacy and tell the truth

Issue date: 
December 20, 2010

The REDD+ Decision in Cancun

How does the new agreement on REDD set the stage for halting the destruction and degradation of forests?

Issue date: 
December 20th, 2010

Swiss Wood Firm To Invest 900 Million Euros In Tunisia

Switzerland-based Global Wood Holding will invest 900 million euros to grow Eucalyptus trees in Tunisia and export the wood to Europe, creating 45,000 jobs reports World Environmemt News.  The project will be sited on 160,000 hectares in the Tunisian desert some 500 km (310 miles) sou

Issue date: 
December 20th, 2010

Australia - Illegal logging legislation welcomed

A3P has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator Joe Ludwig, that the Gillard Government will introduce legislation restricting the importation and sale of illegally logged timber.A3P CEO Richard Stanton said “we are gratified that the Governm

Issue date: 
December 19, 2010

Certification fails to protect B.C. forests

Issue date: 
14 December 2010

Analysis and reaction: REDD deal hailed for forests

An agreement on tropical forest protection is being hailed as a significant success of the UN climate conference in Cancún, finding broad support among major international social and environmental NGOs.

Issue date: 

Seeing REDD on Climate Change

CANCÚN – The official communiqué from the Cancún climate-change conference cannot disguise the fact that there will be no successor to the Kyoto Protocol when it expires at the end of 2012. Japan, among others, has withdrawn its support for efforts simply to extend the Kyoto treaty.

Issue date: 
14 December 2010

California outpaces UN on REDD carbon market

ARB, AB32: UN climate talks in Cancún balked at the question of carbon markets for the finance of an agreed global forest protection system, leaving further uncertainty over the role of carbon markets after 2012 and whether forests will be a part of them. But meantime California is forging ahead on a cap and trade scheme that looks set to kick-start international REDD carbon market action.

Issue date: 

Blunt talk on protecting forests to combat climate change

What exactly is the hold-up in terms of Norway's forestry assistance to Guyana, which Guyana's president Bharrat Jagdeo complained about last week during a panel sponsored by

Issue date: 
December 13th, 2010

Where angels fear to tREDD

Having had a chance to examine the REDD text of the Cancun Agreement, I find it a relatively positive step forward that manages to avoid some, but not all, of the misperceptions and biases that I encountered while attending REDD-oriented side events during my time at the COP.


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by Dr. Radut