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External News

Issue date: 
18 Dec 2010

Carbon offset markets: How do they work?

The market for carbon as a traded commodity consists of two main sectors:

Issue date: 
December 16, 2010

California's Historic Vote on Climate Change and REDD

Tonight at 7:07 pm, the California Air Resources Board voted to adopt the cap and trade regulations for AB32, California's global warming law. The final vote passed 9 -1.

Issue date: 
December 19, 2010

Jagdeo upset at ‘junk economics’ report

Angered by a report which suggested that the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) is based on advice that could be described as ‘junk economics,” President Bharrat Jagdeo has accused Rainforest Foundation UK of being stuck in the colonial-era mentality.
International consultants, McKinsey and Company, have provided services to Guyana and other countries in the context of a global plan to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, called REDD, which was agreed to at the just ended UN Climate Summit in Cancun.

Issue date: 
December 19th, 2010

Explosion at Pacific BioEnergy’s pellet plant in Prince George, B.C.

On Friday night an explosion blasted the Pacific BioEnergy wood pellet plant in Prince George, British Columbia.

Issue date: 
December 18, 2010

Swedish Forest Society export timber to Finland

The forest society will load 2500 cubic meters of timber from the province on a cargo ship to Finland.

Issue date: 
December 2010

WWF’s announcement misleads users regarding true facts about sustainable forestry and print

Issue date: 
December 2010

Agriculture and deforestation: What role should REDD+ and public support policies play?

  • Agriculture is central to REDD+
  • When over 83% of new cropland areas in the tropical zone came at the expense of natural forests over the 1980-2000 period, and when the food challenge is becoming increasingly urgent, the REDD+ mechanism must find the means to tackle this sector of activity.
  • Little proof exists in practice to confirm the Borlaug hypothesis (land sparing)
Issue date: 
December 15, 2010

The Cancún Agreements: what they mean, where issues now stand, and where they’re going (to Durban!)

The deal U.N. climate negotiators reached last week in Cancún is modest, but the gathering’s dramatic conclusion does restore confidence in the U.N.

Issue date: 
Dez. 17, 2010

Hardwood pulp capacity expansion in Asia will put prices under further downward pressure

BOSTON, MA, Dez. 17, 2010 (RISI) - The pulp market has come off the boil in recent months, with the bleached hardwood kraft (BHK) market clearly weakening more than the softwood (BSK) market.

Issue date: 
December 2010

Sustainability Impact Assessments for Europe

The new EFI brochure introduces the Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessments (ToSIA). This new decision-support software tool will assist policy makers, business planners and other stakeholders to make informed decisions on issues related to the use of forest resources and wood products.


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by Dr. Radut