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Issue date: 
10 November 2010

UK consultant notes are irresponsible and unprofessional

I wish to refer to an article in the Stabroek News under the caption “Annual Progress Report on REDD-Plus enablers – 2010 – for the Norway-Guyana MOU” by John Palmer (read here) in its issue of Thursday November 4, 2010. Allow me to raise the following points:

Issue date: 
November 18, 2010

CBO empowered to manage forest resources of Masito-Ugala ecosystem in Kigoma

IN Kigoma, Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is preparing local communities to benefit from REDD initiative within seven villages bordering the rich biodiversity Masito-Usagalla Ecosystem.

The representatives from seven villages of Ilagara, Karago, Songambele, Sigunga, Sunuka and Kirando and Lyabusende have attended training on forest management practices. Each of the participants was involved in forest resource mapping and set strategies to protect forests resources, marine life in Lake Tanganyika and on the environment in general in their areas.

Issue date: 
November 11, 2010

Interior West Forests on Verge of Becoming Net Carbon Emitter

Forests in the Interior West could soon flip from carbon sink to carbon source, forest experts say.

Issue date: 
November 2010

Joint REDD meeting was held by FIP, FCPF and UN-REDD

A joint meeting of the governing bodies of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the Forest Investment Program (FIP) and the

Issue date: 
November 17, 2010

Finnish machinery contractors are angry at UPM's downtime

Finnish newspapers report that the machinery contractors association is angered over the sudden shutdown by forestry company UPM.

Issue date: 
16 November 2010

California pilots REDD with Brazil, Mexico states

California has reached agreement with states in Mexico and Brazil for pilot projects to protect their rainforests in return for carbon credits under the provincial-level, international climate initiative of outgoing Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

UNDP: Tackling corruption risks in climate Change

Tackling climate change and fighting corruption go hand-in-hand.

Issue date: 
November 5, 2010

BC Forest Service felled by bureaucracy

With two provincial ministries performing the work of one, inefficiency is inevitable and sustainable-use policies will be ignored.

Issue date: 
12 November 2010

Forest Day 4 : Time To Act

Date: Sunday, 5 December 2010
Location: Cancún Center, Cancún, Mexico
Organisers: Center for International Forestry Research, Collaborative Partnership on Forests, Government of Mexico, Mexico National Forestry Commission.

Forest Day 4: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities For Making REDD+ A Global Reality

Issue date: 
10 November, 2010

World Bank should shift carbon focus off hydro – report

The World Bank Group has been urged to curtail buying carbon credits from hydropower projects, shifting the emphasis of its carbon finance activities to areas where it can have more influence.


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by Dr. Radut