Sustainable Forest Management as a Strategy to Combat Climate Change
This study presents the results of recent studies of community forest management in Mexico in the belief that it can inspire other countries and peoples to follow similar paths.
Seeing REDD: Unresolved trade issues at the brink of consensus
In the lead-up to the UNFCCC’s Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP16), the UN collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or “REDD” programme, has become the focus of increased attention.
Agua Bendita, Mexico: Local landowners collectively running a small lumber yard in the pine forests of central Mexico say they are making profits from logging and cutting carbon emissions at the same time.
What problems does sustainable forest management face in Russia?
Discrepancies in the system of the Russian forest legislation is the main reason for that. This was the common opinion of participants of the Roundtable organized by WWF at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in early November 2010.
Representatives of the Russian legislative bodies, Russian federal Forest Service, regional authorities, forestry businesses, supervising and control entities of forest management and environmental NGOs were invited to this meeting.
In Sierra Leone, Stakeholders engaged on sustainable forest management
The Forestry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security on Friday 19th November, 2010 engaged stakeholders in sustainable forest management on the implementation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States and Forest Law Enforcement, and Governance and Trade (FLEGT) respectively at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, Youyi Building in Freetown.
Lower House determined to enact sustainable forest management law
Cagayan de Oro City (22 November) -- There's now hope for the Philippines to reverse the continued destruction of what little is left of its forested mountains.