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Issue date: 
Oct, 24 2010

Shining prospects for REDD participation

Nigeria’s prospects as a full REDD participating nation shone bright last Thursday as a week-long Scoping Mission by the United Nations REDD+ Programme that commenced in Calabar in Cross River State came to an emotional end in Abuja, the federal capital city.

Issue date: 
October 25th, 2010

China MDF soaring as rest of the World slows

Global MDF capacity reached 72.9 million m3 in 2009 - an increase of 4.0 million m3 (+5.8%) over 2008. In 2009, China remains the world’s largest MDF-producing country at 32.5 million m3 - that’s 45% of world capacity!

Issue date: 
October 25, 2010

China: Forest Industry will expand - wood imports

The forest industry in China is continuing its expansion, and with limited domestic timber resources, importation of logs and wood chips are at an all-time high, especially as tight supply of domestic logs has increased local log prices to new highs.

Issue date: 
24th October, 2010

Danish embassy starts carbon project

THE Danish Embassy has signed a five-year agreement with the Uganda Carbon Bureau (UCB) to purchase carbon credits from various projects in Uganda.

Issue date: 
October 21, 2010

Tokyo wants to cooperate with countries sharing the Amazon forest

"We are interested in working with Latin American countries that share the Amazon rainforest. We just started it, "said the director of the Climate Change Division, Takehiro Kano, at a press conference in Tokyo.
The Amazon, considered the lungs of the world, covers 4.1 million hectares, but is rapidly losing its trees from deforestation.

Issue date: 
Oct 22, 2010

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) - synthesis report

The economic importance of the natural assets of the world is now firmly on the political radar as a result of an international assessment showcasing the enormous economic value of forests, freshwater, soils and coral reefs, as well as the social and economic costs of their loss, was the conclusion of The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) report launched (20 October 2010) by TEEB study leader, Pavan Sukhdev, at the 10th Conference of Parties meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP10) in Nagoya.

Issue date: 
October 22nd, 2010

Woody biomass prices in the US increase

Prices for woody biomass, whether it was sawmill by-products, forest residues or urban wood waste, were higher in the 3Q/10 than the previous quarter in most regions throughout the US reports Wood Resources International LLC.

Issue date: 
October 23, 2010


UPM has developed a global biodiversity programme that aims to maintain and increase natural biodiversity on UPM forest land, and to promote best practices in forestry and wood sourcing. UPM's biodiversity programme is regarded as a front-runner and is being showcased at the UN COP 10. 

Issue date: 
22 October 2010

World Bank pays $4 for forest CERs

Africa’s first significant CDM forest carbon project has attracted a price of $US4 per tonne in temporary CER (tCER) carbon credits, according to a media report. The World Bank will buy the credits for half the carbon stored up to 2017 from an Ethiopian forestry project, the Humbo Assisted Natural Regeneration Project.

Issue date: 
October 22, 2010

Officials show locals Burlington biomass site

BURLINGTON - While 25 people from Pownal signed up to take a bus trip to the McNeil Station, a 55-megawatt biomass power plant located at the north end of Burlington, only about a dozen attended.


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by Dr. Radut