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External News

Issue date: 
23rd September 2010

Mondi transfers 258 ha to KZN community

Paper and packaging group Mondi has concluded its ninth land restitution settlement, transferring 258 ha of its forestry land to members of the Mkhwanazi community, in Port Durnford, in KwaZulu-Natal.

The members of the community will gain ownership of the land through the Phalane Trust and plan to derive a sustainable income from the land, while simultaneously progressively developing their own businesses to operate along the forestry value chain.

Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Strengthening National REDD+ Readiness Through Regional Collaboration

The Winrock-implemented Asia Regional Biodiversity Conservation Program

Issue date: 
17 September 2010

Amerindians benefit from the Low Carbon Development Strategy

People often wonder at the number of legislations protecting the Amerindian people, but cut off as the Amerindians are from mainstream society, these revised laws are needed for many reasons, most importantly to preserve their way of life while protecting their rights as citizens of this country.

Issue date: 
September 19, 2010

China and the Cancun climate change conference

With the opening of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun drawing near, all parties are preparing actively for the next round of negotiations.

Issue date: 
September 18, 2010

Calm down about beetle-killed forests

Bill Gabbert in New West (US): …Sometimes land managers, when faced with a landscape of brown, ugly, beetle-killed trees, fall all over themselves finding additional taxpayer f

Issue date: 
07 Sep 2010

The Prince of Wales begins project to protect area of rainforest the size of Wales

The Size of Wales project aims to either plant trees or protect existing forest in Africa equivalent to the size of Wales, or two million ruby pitches.

Issue date: 
September 08, 2010

Large Land Deals Threaten Farmers, World Bank Says

Sept. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Foreign purchases of agricultural land from Mozambique to Cambodia pose “significant risks” to the livelihoods of farmers in countries with “weak land governance,” the World Bank said in a report.

REDD Finance

This series of technical reports on “International Financing for REDD” were produced to further UNFCCC parties’ understanding of the role and sequencing of public, private and market funding for REDD; and to discuss institutional and funding arrangements for REDD at international and national

EU: Public consultation on the role of EU agriculture and forestry

Issue date: 
14 September 2010

Russian Technologies to Build Biofuel Factory


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by Dr. Radut