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External News

Issue date: 

Brazilian Forest Service launches sustainable forestry fund

A new initiative has been launched by Brazilian government agencies that will see the distribution of more that 2.2 million reals worth of funding to sustainable forestry projects before the end of the year.

The National Fund for Forestry Development (FNDF), which is being managed by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), is encouraging applications for funding from projects that aim to use the nation's forests in both enterprising and environmentally friendly ways.

Issue date: 
Sep 15, 2010

Biomass direct energy plant proposed for Dryden, Ontario

Two Dryden business owners, Bryan Tardiff and Louie Ricci, are partnering with German owned Lambion Energy Solutions to propose Far North Biomass - a biomass driven, direct energy plant in Dryden, Ontario.

Issue date: 

The Growing Potential and Rooted Limitations of Biofuels

As oil and natural gas reserves are being depleted, the world's attention is increasingly turning to plant-based energy sources.

Issue date: 
September 16, 2010

The real value of B.C.'s old-growth forests

Issue date: 
15 September 2010

EU re-examines forestry’s climate role

The long-debated issue of what part forestry should be play if any in the European Union’s climate change effort is again at the fore. The European Commission last week opened a consultation on whether land-based activity, the LULUCF sector in Kyoto Protocol jargon, should be included in the EU’s 2020 emissions reduction effort.

Issue date: 
Sep 16, 2010

New Permits to Pollute Sought

BRUSSELS, Sep 16, 2010 (IPS) - Extra permits to pollute the atmosphere would be given to corporations that invest in areas surrounding tropical rainforests under plans drawn up by one of Europe's most influential pressure groups.

Issue date: 
September 16, 2010

Senate advances 2011 budget including fast-start climate finance

Issue date: 
September 17, 2010

Boost for one million trees project

THE Department of Forestry has received planting equipment from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, to support the Fiji One Million Trees Initiative.

Shift2Neutral and the Amazon Reforestation Project sign a Memorandum of Agreement

ForestIndustries.EU just arrived (Monday, 24th of August 2011) this eMail and therefore want to put the readers attention to this:

Brett Goldswortyh (brett@shift2neutral.com) sent a message using the contact form at http://forestindustries.eu/contact.

Please advise email address of person and IP address who made this false allegation


ForestIndustries.EU just arrived (Monday, 15th of August 2011) this eMail and therefore want to put the readers attention to this:

Amazon Reforestation Project, Inc. (info@amazonreforestation.us.com) sent a message using the contact form at http://forestindustries.eu/contact.

We would like to have the article removed in relation to the Amazon Reforestation Project and Shift2Neutral signing an MoU. We have severed all ties with Shift2Neutral and wanted the above referenced article removed from your website.


ARP Legal Team


ForestIndustries.EU appologizes for having caused any inconvenience.

Issue date: 
Sep 17, 2010

Graft could jeopardize Indonesia's climate deals


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by Dr. Radut