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External News

Issue date: 
6 May 2010

EU-Cameroon Trade Agreement Ensures Timber Legality

BRUSSELS and YAOUNDÉ (6 May 2010)—The European Union (EU) and the Government of Cameroon today announced a trade agreement in which Africa’s biggest exporter of tropical hardwood to Europe has agreed to ensure wood traded within the country and shipped from Cameroon to the EU and other destina

Issue date: 
6th May 2010

Mondi to boost SA unit’s pulp exports to Europe

Paper and pulp manufacturer Mondi plans to increase its South African business' primary exports of pulp to Europe and to ultimately shift the unit's focus away from paper exports to that market, it said on Thursday.

Issue date: 
May 2010

REDD, forest governance and rural livelihoods: the emerging agenda

Issue date: 
April 2010

Study on Forest Law Enforcement and REDD in Guyana


Issue date: 
Mai. 5, 2010

Printed products - in or out of EU FLEGT?

Issue date: 

Video: REDD explanations

On April 21th, 2010 a public debate on Forestry, Climate Change, and Poverty will take place at Litteraturhuset, Oslo.

Issue date: 
April 2010

Forest and Forest Land Allocation in Vietnam: Some Open Questions

Notwithstanding issues affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of forest and forest land allocation policies, Vietnam is at a cross-road at the time market-based mechanisms for forest conservation, such as REDD, are attracting an increasing and vibrant interest in international Climate Chan

Issue date: 
May 4, 2010

Annual Progress Report on REDD-plus enablers – 2009 – for the Norway-Guyana MoU

The report on the Norway-Guyana MoU is an unusual event in the normally secretive apparatus of government in Guyana.

Issue date: 
March 28, 2009

Loggers Try to Adapt to Greener Economy

LOWELL, Ore. — Booming timber towns with three-shift lumber mills are a distant memory in the densely forested Northwest. Now, with the housing market and the economy in crisis, some rural areas have never been more raw. Mills keep closing. People keep leaving.


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by Dr. Radut