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External News

Issue date: 

The Journey of Forest Governance

When I started working on forest governance issues, back in the late 19

Issue date: 
June 25, 2012

Small farmers cause substantial damage in the Amazon rainforest

Small farmers are less likely than large landowners to maintain required forest cover on their property in the Brazilian Amazon, worsening the environmental impact of their operations, reported a re

Issue date: 
June 22, 2012

Comparative Study on REDD: Recommendations for Action

This study analyses similarities and differences in c

Issue date: 
Jul 2, 2012

Lenzing Site : Construction Start of the New TENCEL® Production Facility

Investments of EUR 130 mn in Upper Austria

Expected completion in about 24 months

110 new jobs

Issue date: 
3 July 2012

Calls for halt of World Bank's climate initiatives

Issue date: 

FORMA and fCPR: Accelerating a Performance-Based Payment System for REDD+

Reducing carbon emissions from forest clearing and degradat

Issue date: 

FCPR–Forest Conservation Performance Rating for the Pan-Tropics - Working Paper 294

This note introduces and illustrate

Issue date: 
18 June 2012

Community-Powered Monitoring of REDD+


Issue date: 
July 05, 2012

Forestry carbon farming stunted by ETS decision

Changes to the emissions trading scheme will stop investment in one of New Zealand's most important sources of future carbon emissions reduction - forestry "carbon farming", says Carbon Farm chief executive Murray McClintock.

Issue date: 
July 5th, 2012

Nova Scotia providing $1 million fund for building and maintaining private woodlot roads

The province of Nova Scotia is making $1 million available so private woodlot owners, including those in Queens County and the South Shore, can access more of their forest land.

The provincial fund is helping woodlot owners build and maintain woodlot roads.


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by Dr. Radut