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Vietnam P&P production up!

Origin of text

Paper production increases 12%


The World bank's strategy on forests and climate change

Gerhard Dieterle (World Bank Forest Advisor), Civil society event at the World bank spring meetings 2009, 24 April

By 2050 it is believed that 75% of fiber will be grown in fast growing plantations.
There are opportunities in this for developing countries, however the revenues must stay in the countries to be beneficial.

What drives the Paper Industry?

10th of May 2009: Has the North American paper industry gone completely bonkers this spring? (Not that it was ever a particularly sane industry).

Thermowood instead of Tropical Wood

Paper & Power - The new old business model

Japanese log import decreased

Is there enough forest biomass in the US?

RISI, the leading information provider for the global forest products industry, states in its October 2008 Wood Biomass Market Report that “the perceived overabundance of ‘waste wood’ in the nation’s forests is simply not there.”

Chinas timber prices down

A rescue plan for Canada's forest industry

To say that times are tough in the Canadian forestry sector is a gross understatement. With the U.S. housing collapse and global financial services meltdown, the sector has lost 50,000 jobs and more than 250 mills over the past two years.

Carbon trading activity doubles over year in spite of price falls

The carbon market showed a remarkable growth spurt in the first quarter of this year, with trading volumes up 37 per cent, new data show. Trading was driven by price volatility and companies selling carbon permits to raise short-term cash.


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by Dr. Radut