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Graphic paper demand Europe down

Trees instead of ethanol...

It didn't take long for the debate on biofuels to heat up again, despite the bottom-of-the-barrel price of oil and an economy in the drink. This time, it was a study published in the February issue of Science that said corn-based ethanol could add nearly twice as many greenhouse emissions as fossil fuels. Not to be left out, the California State Regulators, among others, have jumped into the fray and now seem ready to declare that biofuel will not help reduce global warming.

Wood fibre costs down in the US

New Zealand expands sawlog exports

Horse logging/Pferderückung

Prince Edward's Provinzregierung (Kanada) erlaubt jedermann die Holznutzung mit Pferden...

Montag, 20.4.2009: Totholz und minderwertige Holzsortimente gehören demjenigen, der das Holz mit Pferden aus dem Wald bringt. Er muss weder für das Holz noch für eine Holznutzungslizenz bezahlen. Ein interessanter Ansatz um Pferderückung in das Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit zu rücken...

Government offer leads to horse logging comeback

Monday, 20th of April 2009: More forests on P.E.I. are being logged with the help of horses this year following an offer of free firewood.


US Black liquor subsidies worries sector

A federal program intended to promote the use of renewable fuels is instead encouraging U.S. paper companies to pursue some rather "un-green" practices, such as substituting virgin pulp for recycled pulp.

Vietnam to supply China and Japan with wood chips

Canadian woodchip prices down

Wood pellets prices up in Europe

Origin of text

Increase in Demand for Wood Pellets Pushed Prices Upward in Europe in 4Q/08, Reports WRQ

Largest drop in fibre prices

Origin of text

Global Wood Fiber Prices in Q4 2008 Experienced the Largest Drop in over 20 Years: Wood Resource Quarterly


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by Dr. Radut