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External News

Issue date: 
May 25th, 2012

Devon Lumber in Fredericton has wood chips piled 2 storeys high and no buyers

Harry Gill, president of Devon Lumber Company in Fredericton, New Brunswick, said he has no market for his wood chips now that so many pulp mills are shut down in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, and Quebec.

Issue date: 
21 May 2012

“Cash is king”: Forested countries must see REDD+ financial rewards

Developing countries will not be incentivised to change business -as- usual practices and invest in REDD+ schemes until there’s certainty that the financial rewards that have been used to promote the forest carbon mechanism will materialise in the future, said experts at the sidelines of the clim

Issue date: 
20 May, 2012

Moving REDD+ forward: more structured discussion on the drivers of deforestation is needed

Greater coordination amongst donor countries is required in order to secure environmental and social standar

Issue date: 
22 May 2012

Moving REDD+ forward: more structured discussion on the drivers of deforestation is needed

Issue date: 
May 22, 2012

Lessons Learned from Community Forestry & REDD+ in Brazil

Designing a successful REDD+ strategy is complex, in part because it deals with the intricacies of changing economic incentives and human behaviors toward forests – and toward land in general. That’s where community forestry can play an important role.

Issue date: 
22 May, 2012

Research questions REDD Program in Chiapas for Destroying Indigenous Identity

The program Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD Plus), driven by the UN, has been embraced by the government of Mexico since 2010, and its flagship is Chiapas where, as in other countries, the program is controversial.

Issue date: 
23 May 2012

Ghana: Turning the Back On Forest Revenue Loses

Issue date: 
May 24, 2012

Anti-Corruption Views - Why we need laws to save what's left of our forests

International efforts to protect forests and the people that live in them have failed so badly that just 20 per cent of forest remains untouched by commercial activity. It is really, really crucial that we find a global system that looks after what remains of the world’s lungs.

Issue date: 
May 23, 2012

Trees Absorb Less Carbon in Warming World Than Experts Have Assumed

Trees may not be the planetary saviors people have been counting on in a warming climate.

Issue date: 
21 May, 2012

Forest Management Plan proves controversial

THE state government's newly released Forest Management Plan (FMP) has proved controversial among conservation and green groups.

Conservation Council WA (CCWA) president Piers Verstegen said the government's next forest management plan will be a death sentence to endangered animals.


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by Dr. Radut