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External News

Issue date: 
May 10, 2012

New paper by Tony La Viña: The UNFCCC after Durban

As the climate negotiations begin again a new working paper from Tony La Vina and colleagues analyses the Durban outcome and calls for a new approach to climate multilateralism.

Issue date: 
09 May 2012

Pricing natural assets could spur green growth - World Bank

Declining stocks of forests, farmland, fish and other natural resources threaten to derail economic growth around the world and curb progress against poverty, the World Bank warned on Wednesday.

Issue date: 
May 10, 2012

Logging of Tropical Forests Needn't Devastate Environment

Harvesting tropical forests for timber may not be the arch-enemy of conservation that it was once assumed to be, according to a new study led by a University of Florida researcher.

Issue date: 
06 May, 2012

Melbourne eyes Tassie forest investment

City Council could invest in Tasmanian forest plantations protected from harvesting in an effort to become Victoria's first carbon-neutral council.

Issue date: 
May 10, 2012

Sustainable development needs more than just green economy: Ecuador minister

Sustainable development in Ecuador should consider climate-change mitigation measures and capacity building of local communities in addition to a green economy, the Ecuador deputy environment minister told CIFOR.

Issue date: 

Corruption and REDD+: Identifying risks amid complexity

Corruption and other factors can influence deforestation in contradictory ways.

Issue date: 
May 13, 2012

Norway acts as others drag feet on carbon emissions

Advocates of burying the world's carbon emissions underground have long pushed for a global price on greenhouse gases.

But their goal appears ever more elusive as nations fail year after year to agree on putting a price to carbon worldwide.

Issue date: 
May 9, 2012

Uganda says could eject Oxfam over land grab claims

(reuters) Uganda has threatened to kick out Oxfam after the British charity accused the government of complicity in violent land grabs for commercial gains, according to the interior ministry.

Issue date: 
May 7, 2012

EU nations get cold feet over climate change fund

(Reuters) - EU nations have yet to come up with a plan on how to fill a multi-billion euro fund to help tackle climate change, even as the region's executive body hosts talks with countries likely to bear the brunt of extreme weather.

Issue date: 
May 5 2012

Kenya now hires carbon credits advisor


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by Dr. Radut