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External News

Issue date: 
15 May 2012

1.3 billion people rely on forests to survive

Hands off our forest! The UN has adopted a series of voluntary guidelines to protect indigenous peoples' rights to the land on which they live.

Issue date: 
March 29, 2012

Assessing REDD+ performance of countries with low monitoring capacities: the matrix approach

Estimating emissions from deforestation and degradation of forests in many developing countries is so uncertain that the effects of changes in forest management could remain within error ranges (i.e. undetectable) for several years.

Issue date: 
May 7, 2012

Forest Peoples: Numbers Across the World

By providing estimated figures for indigenous and forest peoples’ populations in countries and regions across

Issue date: 

South-South Learning: From Payments for Environmental Services to REDD+ in Latin America


Issue date: 
April 29, 2012

Why New Zealand’s consultation process is important for REDD+ countries

As the first country to implement a national level emissions trading system (ETS) that also includes a forestry component as part of its climate change strategy and meets New Zealand’s obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, NZ’s experience in developing this system warrants close attention.

Issue date: 
March 29, 2012

Beauty and the Beast: Norway’s investments in rainforest protection and rainforest destruction

While the Norwegian government has been widely commended for its efforts to protect the world’s rainforests th

Issue date: 
April 29, 2012

Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South: Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database

April, 2012. Ward Anseeuw, Mathieu Boche, Thomas Breu, Markus Giger, Jann Lay, Peter Messerli and Kerstin Nolte. CDE/CIRAD/GIGA. Bern/Montpellier/Hamburg. 50 pages. ISBN: 978-92-95093-71-3


Issue date: 
April 29, 2012

The global land rush: what the evidence reveals about scale and geography

Issue date: 
March 29, 2012

Impacts of cardamom cultivation on montane forest ecosystems in Sri Lanka

The cultivation of cash crops in the understorey of tropical forests is an ancient practice, but the effects of cultivation on forest ecosystem processes are poorly understood.

Issue date: 
April 25 2012

Logging companies may assist rural development: Study

Logging companies play a key role in developing forest regions in Central Africa, a CIFOR report studying the impact of commercial forest management says.


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by Dr. Radut