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Forests and the Kyoto protocol


Dear Visitor, a text will be available shortly, but there is a German text.


In excuse for this inconvenient we want to show
you an example
of really bad safety management:

State forest services


Dear Visitor, a text will be available shortly


In excuse for this inconvenient have a look here

Forest Certification

"Eco- labeling programs have become very prominent in many countries.
Today this environmental policy innovation can be found not only in OECD countries but also in developing countries. Although eco- labels should be seen as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, traditional regulatory instruments (Harrison 1999: 110), it can be assumed that these environmental policy instruments will become more important for environmental policy in the near future."

Kern et.al

Global forest products markets

Exciting and challenging - Global Timber markets - have a view on how we will see the situation



You can find a presentation held mid 2008 here:
(Text as Download, 1,2 MB)

There is another (external) report on international forest product markets available as well...




The Forest Sector Business environment is in a major change


Forest management planning

Timber procurement

Wood supply - Timber and renewables procurement

Beeing one of the most critical aspects of manufacturing forest products, following processes of procurement of wooden raw materials can be supported by us:

Timberland management

Take advantage of our Timberland Management services if you want to outsource your forest management activities.
Our services cover the entire scope of classic forest management, including reforestation, silviculture, timber harvesting, timber logistics, timber skidding, all the way to lumber trade, etc.

We also take care of various other activities such as hunting, nature conservation and tourism services.

With our Timber Management services we turn directly to forest owners who, although they manage the forests themselves, expect more return and benefits from their property.

Relaunch of ForestIndustries.EU

We have invested great effort to the re-launch of our Website.

There is a lot of new items e.g. we are offering now a News Block. This block will bring the best of

  • Forestry
  • Wood working industry
  • Paper & Pulp industry
  • Bioenegergy
  • Forest related issues of the Carbon Market (REDD & Co)
  • Ecosystem, Nature and Environment use
  • Mangement of natural resources including payments for Ecosystem Services

to you.


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by Dr. Radut