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Forest carbon

Is the US interested in REDD?

House panel approves climate change bill

Reporting by Tom Doggett and Richard Cowan, Source:  Copyright 2009, Reuters, Date:  May 21, 2009
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The World bank's strategy on forests and climate change

Gerhard Dieterle (World Bank Forest Advisor), Civil society event at the World bank spring meetings 2009, 24 April

By 2050 it is believed that 75% of fiber will be grown in fast growing plantations.
There are opportunities in this for developing countries, however the revenues must stay in the countries to be beneficial.

Carbon trading activity doubles over year in spite of price falls

The carbon market showed a remarkable growth spurt in the first quarter of this year, with trading volumes up 37 per cent, new data show. Trading was driven by price volatility and companies selling carbon permits to raise short-term cash.

Climate change might reverse forests carbon sinks

Apr 23, 2009: New study warns that forests are at risk of becoming net sources of carbon instead of net sinks

Die EU hat ihren LULUCF Vorschlag vorgestellt...

Der Vorschlag der EU gibt den EU Staaten viel Freiheit - hoffentlich wird diese Freiheit in Österreich diesmal zum Wohle der Volkswirtschaft genutzt!

AWG-KP 7 Climate talks in Bonn finished

The seventh session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP 7) has been finished...

EU carbon trading failed

The free market has got us into this mess, and the free market will get us out of it.

This nonsensical idea is at the heart of all carbon trading measures, the Rudd government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) included.

LULUCF - First country submissions 09

Parties have submitted their views on further LULUCF treatment!

Die ersten Länder haben ihre Stellungnahmen zur zukünftigen Behandlung des LULUCF Sektors abgegeben!

Stimulus Plans to foil Climate Change Programs

Economic stimulus plans being rolled out across the world could commit countries to rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions, cancelling some of the green initiatives included within them, analysis has found.

LULUCF-Nachfolge und Österreich

Es wird ernst: Am 15. Februar 2009 war Abgabetermin für die ersten normalen Stellungnahmen der Staaten zum Nachfolgeprotokoll von LULUCF. Der Bereich LULUCF wird und wurde in der AWG-KP viel diskutiert – österreichische Beiträge dazu findet man allerdings nur sporadisch. Somit ist klar, dass jetzt etwas geschehen muss – spätestens bis Mitte 2009 sollten die Länder wissen, was auf sie zukommt und welche Optionen für sie die besten sind.


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by Dr. Radut