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Issue date: 
May 24, 2011

Timber and Paper Industries Have Fueled Growth of Southern Forests, Government Study Says

Issue date: 
May 24, 2011

On Our Radar: Brazilian Forest Advocate and Wife Slain

Issue date: 
23 May 2011

By Barcoding Trees, Liberia Looks to Save its Rainforests

Nearly two-thirds of West Africa’s remaining rainforests are in the small but troubled nation of Liberia. That is a small miracle. A decade ago, Liberia’s forests were being stripped bare by warlords to fund a vicious 14-year civil war that left 150,000 dead. In 2003, the United Nations belatedly imposed an embargo on Liberian “logs of war.” Revenues crashed and, coincidentally or not, the war swiftly came to an end.

Issue date: 
23 May 2011

FAO and World Bank publish a Framework for Assessing Forest Governance

Issue date: 
Mai 23, 2011

Himachal inks pact with World Bank to secure carbon credits

Himachal Pradesh became the first State in the country on Sunday to sign an agreement with the World Bank for securing carbon credits for its ‘Clean Development Mechanism' project in 11 watershed divisions under Mid Himalayan Watershed Development Project.

Issue date: 
May 23, 2011

SAPPI Plans to Invest in Eastern Cape Community Forestry

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, May 23, 2011- Sappi Southern Africa today announced that it had initiated a consultation process with staff and relevant Union representatives to cease operations at Adamas Mill in Port Elizabeth in response to difficult market conditions and sustained input costs increases.

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

UPM and ENO Environment Online Plant Trees with Schoolchildren in UK, Uruguay and Finland

Helsinki, Finland, May 20, 2011 – UPM participates in ENO – Environment Online’s Tree Planting Day on May 20 in United Kingdom, Uruguay and Finland. The annual event is part of UPM’s partnership with ENO, a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. ENO has been running since 2000 and reached thousands of schools in 150 countries.

Issue date: 
May 23, 2011

UPM Pioneers in Renewed EU Environmental Management System

Helsinki, Finland, May 23, 2011 – UPM is one of the very first companies to achieve multinational corporate registration under the revised EMAS III regulation, the EU’s Environmental Management and Auditing Scheme. UPM’s corporate registration includes 15 pulp and paper mills in five EU countries and all data is third party verified.

Issue date: 
May 23, 2011

ADB Invests in Three Climate Change Funds That Seek to Raise $700 Million

Issue date: 
May 24, 2011

To adapt, to mitigate or both alike? Congo Basin forests in a policy dilemma

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (24 May, 2011)_Bringing together researchers, policymakers, civil society and practitioners on development issues is quite challenging. Particularly more challenging is policy response towards climate change adaptation and mitigation in Congo Basin forests.


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by Dr. Radut