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Issue date: 
Apr 29, 2011

EU FLEGT-REDD Facilities open consultation on development of a Forest Governance Research Agenda

Issue date: 
Apr 28, 2011

Oslo urges more forest aid despite corruption risk

Issue date: 
20 April, 2011

Forests and food security: What we know and need to know

BOGOR, Indonesia (20 April, 2011)_A few weeks ago, I met a senior diplomat from one of the countries where CIFOR conducts research.

Issue date: 
21 April 2011

Progress with formal REDD-plus planning in Cameroon

Issue date: 
21 Apr 2011

Nearly Half of Amazon Is Protected But Vulnerable

Issue date: 
April 22, 2011

USAID Administrator Shah Commemorates Earth Day

Washington, DCDr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), released the following statement on the occasion of Earth Day.

Issue date: 
April 23, 2011

Rockefellers' 1Sky Unveils the New 350.org: More $ -- More Delusion

by Huntington News Net

World’s Greatest Magic Trick      

Issue date: 
April 19, 2011

How is REDD+ unfolding in southern Africa’s dry forests?

Issue date: 
April 17, 2011

Climate-watchers alarmed over forest degradation proposals

Issue date: 

Developing Countries to Sign Treaty on Deforestation


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by Dr. Radut