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Issue date: 
08 February 2011

Fiji works on Sustainable Forest Management

With financial and technical support from our regional and international development partners, Fiji has continued to further the implementation of Sustainable Forest Management.

In 2007, the Government passed a new forest policy that has sustainable forest management as its foundation.

In 2008, Fiji started the process of revising our forest laws to implement the new direction under the new forest policy.

Issue date: 
08 February 2011

Save the Yunnan golden monkey through community outreach

Project Summary

The Laojunshan Nature Reserve (LNR), located in the northwest of China’s Yunnan Province, is in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, which was named a World Heritage site in July 2003. Comprising four counties (Yulong, Jiangchuan, Weixi, and Lanping), each with different land management laws, the LNR faces myriad and complicated management issues. From June 2003 to March 2005, Rare partnered with The Nature Conservancy to support campaign manager Angela Cun to run a Pride campaign in the LNR.


One billion trees planted

Brinkman & Associates Reforestation LTD - watch the video to get an ideo of the Canadian sustainable forestry system...

Issue date: 
February 2, 2011

International Year of Forests: Reason to be optimisti

Issue date: 
February 4, 2011

Massive UN-Supported African Palm Plantations Leading to Oppression, Kidnapping and Murder

Issue date: 
31 January 2011

National Trust moves to save Forestry Commission woodlands

The National Trust could step in to save the Forestry Commission's English forests, which the Government wants to sell off.

Issue date: 
07 February 2011

The shareholders of Arkhangelsk PPM to discuss the Pulp Mill Holding proposal

The Board of Directors of Arkhangelsk PPM has decided to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on March 9, 2011. As reported by the company, the meeting will be held in vote in absentia principle. The shareholders shall give their approval to major interrelated transactions.

Issue date: 
Feb. 3, 2011

Inadequate reforestation goes from bad to worse

British Columbia is blessed by nature with a vast, ecologically rich forest estate that also has been a source of sustained economic wealth for more than a century. But today there are troubling signs that the most important of natural assets is facing challenges never before seen.

Issue date: 
February 03, 2011

UN report lauds India for adding 300,000 hectares of forest every year

Asia is leading afforestation activity in the world with a significant contribution from India which is adding 300,000 hectares of forest every year, a senior UN official said. "I would highlight India, which still has important population growth. The forests in India are growing at 300,000

Issue date: 
February 3, 2011

Almost nine per cent of Guyana’s budget this year hangs on the Poyry-Guyana Forestry Commission

Almost nine per cent of the government’s planned expenditure in the 2011 national budget depends upon receipt of US$70M from Norway, under the MoU signed on November 9, 2009.  That is surely a risky strategy because there appears to be no fall-back position if the Norwegian money does not come, or not in that quantity.  So achievement of the progress indicators (‘enablers’ in Norwegian terms) is a major test.


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by Dr. Radut