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Norway says no climate actions without financing

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday the world would likely not be able to reach agreement on climate change-related actions without first striking a deal on climate financing. Addressing the Seventh African Development Forum (ADF-VII), which is dedicated to climate change, he said it would, however, be 'challenging' for developed countries to honour a pledge made at Copenhagen last year to raise US$100 billion annually to finance climate adaptation and mitigation efforts in developing countries.

Issue date: 
October 13, 2010

Food crisis will drive up the price of ethanol

The U.S. investment bank Morgan Stanley believes that we have a food crisis. An especially raging summer in the US, droughts and forest fires in countries including Brazil and Russia and heavy rain in Europe and Canada have hit many grain and oilseed crops this year.

Issue date: 
Oct. 14, 2010

Q&A: India's Climate Chief on Making India Greener

Issue date: 
October 1, 2010

TFF looks to help Peru achieve sustainable forestry management

The Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF) is examining the feasibility of establishing a sustainable forestry management training centre in Peru.

Issue date: 
October 1, 2010

Should Timber Investments Be Part of Your Investment Portfolio?

Timber and timberland have traditionally been investment vehicles for institutional investors because of the amount of capital required. There are however, excellent opportunities in today’s timber and timberland investment marketplace for small retail investors.

Issue date: 
October 13, 2010

PM's keys to forestry sector growth

Free trade negotiations and a continued commitment to the emissions trading scheme are important to support further forestry sector growth, Prime Minister John Key said.

Issue date: 
September 29, 2010

The Market Triumph of Ecotourism

Annual revenue flow to developing countries for ecotourism (or nature-based tourism) could be as large as US$ 210×1012, providing an enormous financial incentive against habitat loss and exploitation.

Issue date: 
October 1, 2010

Poverty and sustainable development impacts of REDD architecture

Issue date: 
October 12 2010

Doyle queries Government's forestry cuts

Continued investment in forestry is a "no brainer" at a time when the Government is looking for money for limited financial resources, Fine Gael has insisted.

Issue date: 

Belize’s forests vanishing!

We’ve heard recently of the use of satellite imagery in petroleum exploration work in Belize. Local and global observation systems are now being advanced that would allow people around the globe to collect and share data, as easily as one browses the Internet.


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by Dr. Radut