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Issue date: 
25 September 2010

President calls on UN to craft global accountability indicators

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s annual high-level debate
yesterday, President Bharrat Jagdeo called on the UN to establish global
accountability indicators to assess whether the implementation of policies is in accordance with the international responsibilities.

Issue date: 
Sep 21, 2010

EfD research on REDD+ discussed at UNITAR - Yale conference

Daniel Slunge, Policy Analyst at the Environmental Economics Unit, University of Gothenburg, was invited speaker at the second Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy: Strengthening Institutions to Address Climate Change and Advance a Green Economy, organized by the United Nation

Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Norwegian politicians can stop big forest deal

Orkla's sale of Borregaard is called the forestry deal of the century in the Nordic countries. Norwegian group Orkla's sale of forest company Borregaard, where Swedish company Bergvik Skog has been mentioned as prospective buyer, has become business for the Norwegian Governme

Issue date: 
September 24, 2010

Press Converence with Todd Stern: The Kyoto Protocol Question is a Very Difficult One

MR. STERN: Hi everybody. Thanks for coming. We've just completed the ninth meeting of the Major Economies Forum here in New York. It was attended by officials from 17 major economies, both developed and developing.

Issue date: 
25 September 2010

Why Conservation Won't Save the World's Forests

And why we might need to sell forests to save them

Issue date: 
Sep. 23, 2010

Chris Huhne: Climate change - the way forward in a post-Copenhagen World

Thank you very much, Bernice (Chair). It is my pleasure to be here today, on what is hallowed ground for students of international affairs.

Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Minister asks NGOs not to discredit their own country

Pelalawan, Riau (ANTARA News) - Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan has asked Indonesian non-governmental organization activists not discredit their own country abroad and thus disrupt the country`s business development.

"We ask for the NGOs` cooperation to jointly settle any problem that arises. Do not denigrate your own country abroad," he said after inspecting an acacia nursery of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper in Pelalawan, Riau, Sumatra on Thursday.

Issue date: 
24 Sep 2010

Electricity price hikes set to fuel Zambia deforestation

LUSAKA (AlertNet) - More of Zambia's forests are likely to be cut down for charcoal after the country's energy watchdog allowed national energy company Zesco to hike electricity prices for domestic consumers by around 40 percent in August.

Issue date: 
Sept. 20, 2010

New EFI Research Report looks at the Best Practises of Fire Use in Europe

Fire has traditionally been a management tool for rural societies and it is still a part of European culture in many regions. Furthermore, fire use plays an increasing role in forest and other land management practices and policies in Europe.

Issue date: 
Sep 21, 2010

EFI strengthens its work on policy advice

Policy advice has been approved as new strategic function of EFI by the Annual Conference. This means that EFI will increasingly embark on activities that provide enhanced support for decision takers and policy makers.


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by Dr. Radut