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Issue date: 
August 12, 2010

China mudslides were predicted 13 years ago

Monster monsoon rains may have loosened the mud and rock that buried and killed more than 1,000 people in the northwestern Chinese Province of Gansu over the weekend, but the mudslide in Zhouqu was more than a natural disaster.

Official records show that government-run lumber companies cut 313,000 acres of forest from the slopes of Zhouqu county between 1952 and 1990, denuding the geologically vulnerable mountainsides and subjecting them to soil erosion.

Issue date: 
August 10th, 2010

Devastating wildfires in Russia underline the need for integrated fire management

The many wildfires in Russia which are currently raging, in particular in the Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh and Ryazan regions, follow an unprecedented heat wave with temperatures reaching past 38C.

Issue date: 

FOREST EUROPE (MCPFE) – a holistic approach to sustainable forest management

World forests are in the spotlight for good reasons. Deforestation and forest degradation continues at an alarming rate. The multiple crises of climate, finance and food require the need for action to limit deforestation and to manage our forests sustainably. This is necessary in order to mitigate climate change and to adapt forests to changes in temperature, water supply and other factors affected by changes in climate.

Issue date: 
20 July 2010

Tanzania: UNDP project saves mountain forests for future generations

Issue date: 
28 July, 2010

Experts call for sustainable management of forest resources

Experts from various institutions including Forestry and Environment, Community Forest Organizations, Timber Re-export Association and other relevant stakeholders Tuesday gathered at Baobab Beach Hotel in Kololi to address the issue of deforestation and climate change by planting one million trees for sustainable management of forest resources, as they noted that the country’s forest is seriously facing increasing exploitation due to population growth. The event was organized by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment.

Issue date: 
03 August 2010

Tatarstan to construct new Forest Breeding and Seed Centre

Timber industry is becoming more and more innovative with increasing amount of advanced technologies and machinery being involved.  Russia is to construct 5 modern breeding and seed centers using Lannen Plant Systems technology (Finland). Thus, new centers will appear in the Moscow, Voronezh, Kostroma regions, Altay area and Tatarstan.

Forest Breeding and Seed Centre is to be constructed in the Sabinsk district (Tatarstan) at the site of 7ha.

Issue date: 
Aug 4, 2010

Why is the B.C. budget so small for firefighting?

Last year, the province of British Columbia budgeted $60 million for fighting forest fires, but ended up spending $400 million.

Issue date: 
July 21, 2010

Congo’s Minister of Environment here to study Guyana’s LCDS

Guyana’s efforts to draw attention to the value of standing forests in the climate change arena is drawing attention from peer countries facing similar challenges.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo which is home to the Congo Basin has sent a representative of their Government to study Guyana’s forest management practices and policies. The Basin is the second largest standing rainforest after the Amazon Basin and the residents and government of that country are dealing with many of the issues that are facing Guyana as a result of Climate Change and its effects.

Issue date: 
June 10, 2010

Neglect in the woods

A decade of cuts has left a priceless resource facing a homemade crisis...
There is an old saying that if the forest service is not planting trees, then it is not doing its job.

Issue date: 
29 July 2010

First Amazon bridge to open world's greatest rainforest to development

A new bridge has come to symbolise Brazil's most challenging and urgent issue: balancing the demands of economic development with environmental protection


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by Dr. Radut