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Issue date: 
Monday, 23 August 2010

Do Forests Provide Mitigation Benefits Twice Over ?

Issue date: 
6 September 2009

The charcoal carbon pool in boreal forest soils

Forest fires release significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere1, but also convert a fraction of the burning vegetation to charred black carbon.

Issue date: 
Aug. 16, 2010

There’s gold in them forests – but not for plantations

London, Aug. 16, 2010 (RISI) - I recently took part in a web meeting on the future of the financial industry's interest in forestry. It was surprising how sophisticated banks, insurance companies and analysts are becoming in evaluating forestry investments.

Issue date: 
24 August 2010

CIFOR Director General Delivers Keynote on Forests, Climate Change and Communities

24 August 2010: Frances Seymour, Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), delivered a keynote address titled "Forests, Climate Change, and Communities: Making Progress up the Learning Curve" at the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Issue date: 
August 25, 2010

The Indian Imperative to Act on Climate Change: Unique Blend of Co-benefits Rationale and 'Dharma'

Issue date: 
25 Aug 2010

Malaysia: Seeing REDD in climate tool

COMMENT In the last three weeks, Sarawak was abuzz with news of a particular climate change mitigation mechanism called REDD (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries).

First, a news article by Reuters informed that an Australian carbon trading company has signed a carbon offset deal with nine tribal leaders that would purportedly preserved more than 100,000ha of forests in the state.

Issue date: 
Aug 23, 2010

Pressure mounts on USGBC to accept forest certification programs

Forest certification standards from 12 nations have called on the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to end its discrimination against wood and accept all credible sustainable forest certification standards.

The certification programs pointed out that wood is one of the best environmental choices for construction as long as it is from a responsible source, and that fiber certified to the 26 national forest certification programs recognized by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) meets this demand.

Issue date: 
August 23, 2010

Pine beetles' march across B.C. is a catastrophe in slow motion

Unemployment among forestry workers and amount of denuded timber harvest land will rise dramatically over next 20 years, a report says.

Issue date: 
August 23, 2010

B.C.'s forest fire season worst in 12 years

The 2010 wildfire season won't be over for weeks, but it has already charred more than 300,000 hectares of B.C. forest, an area larger than Metro Vancouver.

Issue date: 
August 19, 2010

Beijing plans $3B on alternative energy, trees

Beijing has worked out a plan to invest up to 20 billion yuan (US$3 billion) in the next decade on forestation and develop alternative energies.

Wu Jian, a senior engineer with the State Forestry Administration, said at a news conference that the trees will fight climate change by absorbing carbon and will produce material for bio-diesel and ethanol fuels by 2020.

The plan aims to have 23 percent of the country covered with forests in 10 years, up 3 percent increase from the current level.


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by Dr. Radut