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Issue date: 
20th January 2012

Bank enters sustainable forestry collaboration

South African banking firm Nedbank Capital and public engagement project Face the Future have signed a pioneering memorandum of understanding (MoU) designed to facilitate collaboration between the two, with the intention of enabling them to jointly develop sustainable forestry projects in Africa.

Issue date: 
Jan 14, 2012

Brazil's Amazon Fund bogs down, donors frustrated

(REUTERS) - An international fund to protect the Amazon forest launched by Brazil in 2008 has gotten bogged down in red tape and donors are frustrated their $466 million contributions are hardly put to use, a Norwegian official said.

Issue date: 
January 25, 2012

Video reveals global resistance to FC projects & critical perspectives on REDD

Global Forest Coalition and Global Justice Ecology Project have produced a new video entitled A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests.

Issue date: 
Jan. 26, 2012

ForestEthics Launches Petition & Website

After a month of escalating rhetoric from the Harper government and oil industry front groups and confirmation today from internal government documents that the government explicitly identified environmental and aboriginal groups as "adversaries" in its strategy to increase tar sands ex

Issue date: 
Jan 27, 2012

Trees4Future - Major European forest research infrastructures opening up

Major forest infrastructure will be opened up to researchers from the public and private sectors across Europe thanks to the newly started project Designing trees for the Future (Trees4Future). For the first time key infrastructures within the European forest based sector, including databases, state-of-the-art analytical tools and predictive models will be integrated and made available via a user-friendly, central access portal.

Issue date: 
27 January 2012

UN-HABITAT launches tree plantation campaign in flood-hit areas

ISLAMABAD: UN-HABITAT has launched a tree plantation campaign for the benefit of communities in areas affected by devastating floods during 2010 and 2011.

Issue date: 
Jan 26, 2012

World Bank sees carbon finance role for years

(Reuters) - The World Bank's carbon finance initiatives will likely be needed for at least five years, as the United Nations struggles to create a self-sufficient, int

Issue date: 
January 17, 2012

CP17/CMP7 Durban Debrief

The 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (CP17) and 7th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP7) held in Durban, South Africa, from 28th November to 11th December 2011 each produced landmark decisions.

Issue date: 
19 January 2012

Funding for climate change projects poor

Dar es Salaam.

Issue date: 
January 17, 2012

National Consultative Workshop on REDD+ Safeguards

As you know, the National Consultative Workshop on “Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria for REDD+ Safeguards” held on January 12, 2012 at Islamabad, Which was inaugurated by the Mr. Mohammad Javed Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Disaster Management.


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by Dr. Radut