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Issue date: 
September 7th, 2011

Peru approves ‘historic’ indigenous rights law

Today, indigenous people across Peru are celebrating President Ollanta Humala’s decision to approve the Prior Consultation Law. This is an important step forward for indigenous rights in the country.

Issue date: 
07 Sep 2011

Simmering tension over forest give-away

KAMPALA, 7 September 2011 (IRIN) - A plan to replace a large swathe of protected rainforest in Uganda with sugarcane could lead to further civil unrest in a year when nine people have been killed during strikes and protests against the rising cost of living.

The Philippine National REDD-plus Strategy and Current Status

Issue date: 
6 September 2011

Managing Congo Basin Forests - a Regional Approach for a Regional Resource

Washington — The Congo Basin forest ecosystem is the world's second largest moist tropical forest, second only to the Amazon, and represents about one quarter of the globe's remaining closed canopy forest.

Issue date: 
September 8, 2011

Amazon protest -- development before environment?

The decision by leaders of the Sub Central of the Indigenous Territory and National Isiboro Secure Park (TIPNIS), to initiate a 500-kilometre protest march on Bolivia's capital of La Paz capital has ignited much debate about the nature of Bolivia’s first indigenous led-government.

Issue date: 
September 9, 2011

PEFC and Scottish Woodlands Score UK First

John Paterson, Wood Purchasing Manager at Egger UK said "We were delighted to take the first deliveries of privately grown PEFC round wood from Scottish Woodlands.

Issue date: 
Friday 09 September 2011

European forest sector calls for genuine common policy

It is urgent to act internationally to protect forests, which are guardians of the climate, protect soils and biodiversity, and play a crucial role in the water cycle, according to participants in a conference on ‘European and global forests: Which way for the future?’.

Issue date: 
Sep 5, 2011

Sustainable development goals to follow the millennium development goals?

NEW DELHI: The meeting was meant to review the work done two decades after the famed Rio summit or the UN meet on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Issue date: 
September 8, 2011

Valuing the trees through the forest

How do you value an ecosystem? Putting a dollar value on natural systems such as forests has long beset economists.

Forests provide “non-use values,” such as the pleasure of knowing that a natural system exists, and recreational values, such as hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing. But recently, ecologists have also sought to value a broader set of “ecosystem services,” or the goods and services that ecosystems provide to a market economy.

Issue date: 
9 September 2011

RRI, Oxfam Dialogue Highlights Linkages between Forestry, Climate Change and Food Security Issues

9 September 2011: The Tenth Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Dialogue, which convened from 7-8 September 2011, in The Hague, the Netherlands, focused on common approaches to dealing with the challenges of food security and climate change.


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by Dr. Radut