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Issue date: 
Oct 05, 2011

Lao-German REDD+ project pioneers FPIC in Sayabouri Province, Laos

Villagers around the Nam Phui NPA will become the first in Laos to formally give consent on whether or not to participate in a REDD+ project. Representatives from GIZ and LBA clarify the why, who and how behind Laos’ pioneer FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) process while Mr.

Issue date: 
October, 04 2011

PM earmarks $30m for forestry sector

HA NOI — Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved an additional US$30 million to develop the forestry sector. The funds, from the World Bank's International Development Association, bring the total received to $99.8 million.

Issue date: 
October 7, 2011

Landmark conservation buy gives to indigenous owners

In a landmark, first-of-its kind, acquisition for conservationists a global conservation group has led the purchase of Fish River Station, a former cattle station in the Northern Territory, and is to hand it back to indigenous traditional owners.

Issue date: 
October 10, 2011

Safeguards and multiples benefits in a REDD+ mechanism

This paper explores the relationship between safeguards and multiple benefits in REDD+ activities, focusing on the possible institutional and governance structures that could facilitate attaining multiple benefits and respecting safeguards. It highlights key issues for further negotiation and explores options for moving forward.
Issue date: 
October 10, 2011

Drawing lessons from Norway's REDD+ interventions

Issue date: 
4 October 2011

Keeping carbon criminals out of the forests

The REDD+ lobby would do well to learn the lessons of the Uganda land grab and build transparency, anti-corruption measures, conflict resolution into the system from the start, says Davyth Stewart from Global Witness

International Conference on Multipurpose Forest Management under Changing Conditions

When: Nov 23 - 25, 2011

Where: Nanning, Guangxi, China

Organized By: Guangxi University & the Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, CAF

Issue date: 
Sep 20, 2011

European and global forests - which way for the future?

A two-day conference on European and global forests - which way for the future? was held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 6-7 September 2011.  The first day of the conference was organised by the INTERREG IVC project FUTUREforest.


This brief aims to guide countries in the development of their Legality Definition as part of a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process.

Issue date: 

Agriculture, Forests and Rights are key ingredients to reducing emissions

Being one of the major drivers of deforestation, there is wide consensus that agriculture will largely determine success on efforts to reduce carbon emission levels.


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by Dr. Radut