EU presses for sustainable forest management
The EU and its member states will request, during the 9th session of the United Nations Forest Forum (UNFF), held between 24 January and 4 February in New York, the adoption of a resolution to defend the principle of integrating forests’ economic and cultural value into their sustainable management, alongside good governance requirements. In conclusions adopted on 24 January, the Council of the EU moreover specified that this resolution should lay down clear orientations for UN members and other organisations’ activities concerning the management of forests at a global level, and also insists on synergies being created between the UN’s various approaches (Collaborative Partnership on Forests, Convention on Biological Diversity, Framework Convention on Climate Change, etc).
The Council is also stressing the “essential” question of how the sustainable management of forests should be financed, calling on member states and the European Commission to actively support and provide input for the UNFF’s work on this issue and, in particular, the facilitation of the work of the expert group on financing for sustainable forest management, the aim of which is to provide a decision in this area by the time of the 10th United Nations Forest Forum, planned for 2013. To this end, the Council also highlights the decisions relating to the financing of forest management made in Nagoya (November 2010) at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity CBD) and in Cancun (REDD+) within the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (December 2010).