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Lessons learnt from FLEGT for REDD draft Summary

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Issue date: 
December 2010
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Ausblenden SFM


Destruction of forests is a significant contributor to climate change. Preserving forests helps mitigate global warming. These two facts explain why halting deforestation is a central part of much of the current negotiations on climate change, with an international binding forest climate agreement, or REDD+, forming a key part of discussions. Yet, such an agreement, even if well-designed, cannot by itself save the forests. Without reducing greenhouse gas emissions by between 85 and 95 percent by 2050, many forests, along with many other ecosystems, will be lost.
This paper summarises the findings of a report analysing the experiences and operation of FLEGT and the lessons these provide to ongoing national plans and international negotiations to address forest loss.


Extpub | by Dr. Radut