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Malaysia Gets RM43 Million ODA From EU

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Issue date: 
June 03, 2011
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KUALA LUMPUR, June 3 (Bernama) -- Malaysia received RM43 million in official development aid (ODA) from the European Union (EU) last year to promote legal timber trade and sustainable forest management.

In a statement Friday, the EU Delegation to Malaysia said the EU was also funding projects for small and middle enterprises to commercialise products made of biomass and for making batik production cleaner and safer for the workers.

"In Sabah, the EU also supported civil society organisations projects such as the education for the children of immigrant workers," it said.

In 2010, despite the global economic uncertainties, the EU's collective development aid reached a record RM232 billion.

The aid was made available to the least developing countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, including middle-income countries and emerging economies like Malaysia.



Extpub | by Dr. Radut