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REDD-plus COOK BOOK - How to Measure and Monitor Forest Carbon

External Reference/Copyright
Issue date: 
November 30th, 2012
Publisher Name: 
Forestry and Forest Products Research Center
Author e-Mail: 
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This Cookbook is an easy-to-understand technical manual which provide basic knowledge and technologies required for REDD-plus with the main focus on the forest carbon monitoring methods. It comprises of four parts: Introduction, Planning, Technics, and References. "Introduction" is designed for the policy makers and their partner organizations working for the introduction of REDD-plus at national / sub-national level, "Planning" is intended for the REDD-plus implementing organizations / countries working on REDD-plus at national / subnational level, and "Technical" for the experts who work on the REDD-plus activities at national/sub-national level. On the other hand, "References" provides references of useful documents which assist users to have a better understanding of "Introduction" and "Planning". In order to have a better understanding of REDD-plus, a combination of "Introduction" and "Planning", or "Planning" and "Technical" are recommended (Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of forest carbon)

In the sections "Introduction", "Planning", and "Technical", knowledge and the sufficient skills required to address REDD-plus are compiled in units called "recipe". Users can easily go through the items in each recipe to in-depth recipe or references in accordance with the flow chart. "Reference" aims to provide users with useful information by proposing or showing examples that can be used as a guide when exploring realistic and practical measures for designing and implementing the projects and programs.

  • Download English version: High resolution [PDF 17.6MB], Low resolution [PDF 5.1MB]

  • Download Japanese version (coming soon)

  • To request a hardcopy of the COOK BOOK contact the REDD Research and Development Center.

  • The contents of this manual will be updated. Please refer the latest version when you use this manual.

    (Last updated: 30th Nov. 2012)


Extpub | by Dr. Radut