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OAO Kondopoga received a loan of 35 mln USD

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Issue date: 
May 17, 2011
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Ausblenden Timber Procurement


Bank Vozrozhdenie provided the loan to OAO Kondopoga, one of the leading producers of newsprint in Russia and Europe, with a credit limit of 35 mln USD

Thanks to the production facilities the company is able to process about 2 mln cu m of timber and produce approximately 800 tsnd t of paper per year that makes 38% of all item "Newsprint" produced in Russia. The main consumers of the products are such publishing houses as Argumenty i Facty, Sport-Express, Izvestia and others.

The company is going to further develop production and improve quality throughout 2011: to upgrade the control system of rider rolls of slitting and rewinding units at paper machines No7 and No9, to complete the installation and perform the commissioning of supply and packing line at the paper making machine No8. The company also intends to upgrade the automatic process control system at the PM No10, to install the components of barking drum and perform its start-up in the timber processing shop as well as to prepare a draft of rebuilding of the boiler plant working at process residues, to order a duplex-metal boiler to replace the older boiler No 8 as well as to install and start-up the exhauster and motor at the treatment facilities.


Extpub | by Dr. Radut