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Softwood lumber dispute’s next round set to begin August 9

External Reference/Copyright
Issue date: 
August 6th, 2011
Publisher Name: 
Forest Talk
More like this
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On August 9, the United States will makes its case to the London Court of International Arbitration that British Columbia is subsidizing timber prices for pine-beetle damaged trees.

The London Court of Arbitration is the body Canada and the U.S. selected as the final level of appeal for disputes under the Softwood Lumber Agreement.

The details of the U.S. claim have not yet been made public.

Canada will have 90 days to make a response.

Further information exchanges will continue, until a formal hearing is held by the London Court early next year.

Read more:
Canada U.S. softwood lumber dispute to pick up in London (The Vancouver Sun)


Extpub | by Dr. Radut