Good Governance of Land and Natural Resources: Balancing local and global interests
This is a seminar report. The seminar was part of the international course on Local Governance & Rural Decentralization, organized on a yearly basis by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation (CDI). The course participants were practitioners from different countries and continents.
Three case studies were presented on large-scale land acquisitions, biofuels – fuelling development in Brazil and governance of the mineral sector in Eastern DRC. Participants identified 6 important challenges for improving land and natural resource governance and concluded that: more research and information sharing is needed; collaborative voluntary and legally binding initiatives are needed at international level to balance local and global interests; accountability arrangements need to be set up that enable stakeholders to hold each other accountable; capacity building of all actors is needed and that each actor has its own contributions to make to good governance.
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June, 2011. Dieuwke Klaver & Nina de Roo (With contributions from Thea Hilhorst & Sarah Stattman). Seminar Report. Project code 8141100200. Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation. v + 15 pages