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Euractive | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

The European Commission yesterday (25 February) ruled out binding EU-wide sustainability criteria for biomass, offering member states recommendations for national action instead. The European Commission said the wide variety of biomass feedstocks make it impossible to devise a harmonised scheme...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

German carbon consultancy Forest Carbon Group AG last week took a 30% stake in Canadian project developer ERA Carbon Offsets, and for reasons many will find surprising. Number one on the list: anticipation of growing demand for forestry offsets among German voluntary buyers, who have...

VOA News | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

"Protecting the world's forests is not a luxury – it is a necessity," said Secretary Vilsack. "This substantial commitment," he said, "is reflective of our recognition that international public finance must play a role in developing countries' efforts to slow, halt and reverse deforestation."...

Green Dump | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

One of these days I hope to write a blog about accompanying a Nature Conservancy scientist in exploring an isolated forest cove in Tennessee and discovering a graceful new orchid species growing near the entrance of a cave. One of these days…but for now, I work on public policy for the...

MCOT | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Nusa Dua, Feb 24 (ANTARA) - F-11 countries have called for mobilization of the financial resources of developed countries through the establishment of mechanisms such as REDD-plus. The agreement to provide incentives to Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) action...

Mongabay | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Payments for forest conservation under the proposed REDD mechanism are unlikely to provide a viable economic alternative to oil palm agriculture at current prices. Lian Pin Koh (ETH Zürich) and Rhett A. Butler, mongabay.com

Dailytrus | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Nigeria will soon have the first project on Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)   The Minister of Environment, Mr. John Odey stated this in his remarks at a National Climate Change Post Copenhagen Summit held in Abuja.

RISI | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

STOCKHOLM, Feb. 24, 2010 (RISI) - It's taken the industry a while to come round to the idea of hedging when it comes to market pulp, but there's an increasing recognition that anything which helps to secure a more stable pricing environment for pulp has to be a good thing, for both supplier and...

Dead Tree Edition | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

The Obama Administration announced today that it wants to close the non-existent "Son of Black Liquor" loophole to help "pay" for new healthcare legislation. A few hours later, Senate Democrats won a key vote on jobs legislation that, in some versions, would be paid for partly with the "savings...

Newswire | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

TORONTO, Feb. 23, 2010 /CNW/ - Allen Chan, Chairman & CEO of Sino-Forest Corporation (TSX:TRE), a leading commercial forest plantation operator in China, was presented a "2009 China Forestry Persons of the Year" Award by the China National Forestry Industry Association and the China...

EFI | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Europe’s research driven clusters in sustainable forest management and wood based industries will get new co-operation opportunities within the ROKFOR project starting today, 23 February. This cooperative action project ‘Sustainable Forest Management Providing Renewable Energy, Sustainable...

Paperindex | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Seattle, USA--February 23, 2010--Over the past few years, there has been a rapid, worldwide expansion in the consumption of renewable energy by the pulp and paper industry. Numerous pulp and paper plants have made the strategic decision to invest in the equipment needed to make the switch from...

CarbonPositive | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

The practical challenges of successfully tackling deforestation and restoring forests in developing countries have been highlighted by problems facing an otherwise successful forestry programme in Indonesia. One of the country’s model community forestry projects is now being compromised by...

Climate-L | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference underscored the urgent need to make additional financing for adaptation and mitigation available to developing countries. As we all know, the needs are enormous.

Papernet | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Feb 19 2010  Stora Enso has signed a research and development cooperation agreement with Metso and Domtar to establish a consortium to develop a pulp mill biorefinery. The project aims to develop a pulp production process with enhanced sustainability and cost efficiency, as well as lower...

RUNA | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Demand and production declining in the woodworking industry reached the lowest point. However, with this stage passed, manufacturers and authorities are to invest more in modernization, construction and infrastructure in order to return back to the pre-crisis indicators. According to the Federal...

PaperNet | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Feb 18 2010  Södra aims to have one million hectares of its members’ forests certified in accordance with the FSC standard by the end of 2010. This is in addition to the PEFC certification already held. The process of signing double certification contracts with Södra members started on 1 June...

CNBC | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

The U.S. forest industry is learning it's no longer easy being green—and that might not be a bad thing when it comes to government support during tough economic times. The industry is in danger of losing a lucrative tax credit as Congress looks for budget savings to pay for an expensive jobs...

Vancouver Sun | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

Rising commodity prices are spurring new interest by Asian forestry giant Sinar Mas in the shuttered Mackenzie pulp mill. Tanner Elton head of the Mackenzie Pulp Mill Development Corp., said Wednesday that talks are taking place with Sinar Mas, the parent company of Asia Pulp & Paper, to...

EFI | vor 15 Jahre 3 Wochen

AGORA project brings together scientists and policy-makers to build new forest research capacities in Tunisia and Morocco based on effective transfer of scientific knowledge from Portugal, Italy, Spain, France and Turkey. As a result, forestry and forest research in Tunisia and Morocco will be...


by Dr. Radut