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Reuters | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

SANTIAGO, March 9 (Reuters) - Chile's key forestry sector may see exports fall by around 15 percent this year after a giant earthquake destroyed processing plants, an industry executive told the daily Diario Financiero. Chile is one of the world's top producers of cellulose used to make paper and...

RISI | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

BRUSSELS, Mär. 9, 2010 (RISI) - REACTIONS TO THE emergence of e-readers from within the pulp and paper industry tend to come in one of two flavors: either i) a head-in-the-sand refusal to believe that anyone would want to read a book or newspaper on an electronic device, no matter how fancy,...

Swiss Info | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

A strong franc and a weak market are chipping away at the Swiss timber industry. Sawmill owners say they fear a looming wood shortage and possible layoffs. The eastern regional branch of the country’s Wood Industry Association has urged private forest managers to harvest more trees to keep...

The Vancouver Sun | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

Ailing forest economy unites first nations and businesses in B.C.'s northwest to create value from low-quality wood. A federation of first nations and independent loggers is forging a new type of forestry in northwestern B.C. by rebuilding their economy from the bottom up.

Engineering News | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

South African paper group Sappi, which is to supply state utility Eskom with 45 MW power from its plants, said on Friday companies should prepare for another power crunch by cutting their reliance on Eskom and on fossil fuel wherever possible. In late 2008, a series of blackouts crippled gold...

The Nation | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

Why did America's leading environmental groups jet to Copenhagen and lobby for policies that will lead to the faster death of the rainforests--and runaway global warming? Why are their lobbyists on Capitol Hill dismissing the only real solutions to climate change as "unworkable" and "unrealistic...

Dead Tree Edition | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

The $6.5 billion in controversial black-liquor credits earned in 2009 by 21 publicly traded pulp and paper companies was far more than their total profit for the year. Despite the government’s unintended largesse, the 21 companies had combined net income of about $3 billion, according to an...

Carbon Positive | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

Writing for Carbon Positive, Michael Zammit Cutajar,  who was Chair of the key UN negotiating group at Copenhagen on long-term cooperative action, assesses negotiating prospects in 2010 in the lead up to Mexico talks at the end of the year... If Kyoto 1997 can be said to be the moment when...

Engineering News | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

The South African paper, pulp and board industry has consistently increased exports of paper and board and maintained imports at similar levels for the past three years, despite facing a number of challenges, says Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (Pamsa) executive director Jane...

Engineering News | vor 15 Jahre 1 Woche

The technological boom poses a potential threat for the pulp and paper industry in that, globally, more people are turning to digital media rather than newsprint. Pulp and paper producer Sappi is responding to this threat with its own initiatives.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

Geneva, 22 February 2010 - PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have launched the Sustainable Forest Finance Toolkit, which aims to support the finance sector in progressing towards the sustainable financing of industries impacting...

Bellona | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

COPENHAGEN – EU leaders meeting in Brussels ground through late night talks in a two day summit to arrive at a figure of € 7.2 billion over the next three years in so-called “fast start” funding for poorer nations and developing countries to adapt to climate change.

Gerson Lehrman Group | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

The Chilean earthquake and resultant reduction in pulp supply comes at a time when pulp markets are already very tight with Chinese customers on allocation. The immediate impact is likely to be higher pulp prices leading to higher paper prices. NBSK pulp prices are already at US$890/tonne. In...

Marketplace | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

Several years ago three U.S. companies sank millions of dollars into a forest reserve in southern Brazil to earn credits to cover some of their carbon emissions back in America. How does the scheme work on the ground? Michael Montgomery reports in collaboration with Mark Schapiro.

Marketplace | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

Delegates at the global climate summit failed to figure out a way to stop the destruction of the world's forests. But some lawmakers think they have a solution, and it relies on financing from some of America's biggest polluters. Michael Montgomery reports in collaboration with Mark Schapiro.

China Knowledge | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

Mar. 1, 2010 (China Knowledge) - China Forestry Holdings Co Ltd has announced that it will spend RMB 464 million to purchase rights in a forest in Ninglang County, Yunnan Province. For a period of 30 years starting on Feb. 26, 2010, the Hong Kong-listed firm will have the right to plant trees in...

Center for business and public policy | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

I spent a good chunk of last week working with US and Mexican colleagues, looking at data from a forest conservation program in Mexico. This “Payment for Environmental Services” (PES) program is in the highly threatened area where Monarch butterflies stay over winter. The program pays producers...

Carbon Positive | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

While cap-and-trade legislation stalls in the US and Australia, Copenhagen’s limited progress holds back REDD, and the inflexibilities of the Kyoto Protocol’s CDM keeps a lid on reforestation activity, New Zealand is in many ways leading the world in the use of forestry for compliance-based...

RUNA | vor 15 Jahre 2 Wochen

According to the Russian State Statistics Service, in 2009 export volume of timber and pulp and paper products from Russia decreased by 15.4%, which can be explained by significant decline in supplied volume of unprocessed timber. Export from the RF in Jan-Dec 2009 compared to  Jan-Dec 2008   (...


by Dr. Radut