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Hedgeweek | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Earth Capital Partners, a private equity firm focused on renewable energy, has hired a sustainable agriculture and forestry investment team from IBIS Capital Management and EMP Global. Bosworth Monck joins as head of sustainable agriculture and forestry investment, and Gabriel Montana and...

International Forest Industries | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP), a new federal program in the US that is intended to increase the usage of renewable energy by covering some of the costs related to the collection of woody biomass and agricultural residues, has been in effect for a few months and has created much...

International Forest Industries | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The New Zealand sawmilling industry has endured a major ongoing consolidation over the last decade. Most global sawmilling sectors have suffered closures and consolidation, but probably not on the acute scale experienced in New Zealand. A new DANA Review of the N.Z. industry identifies more...

The United Republic of Tanzania | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Among the roles of the National REDD Task Force are to coordinate preparation for CoP 15 meeting in Copenhagen that was held in December 2009. This coordination was specifically geared at showcasing lessons learnt with regard to REDD initiatives in Tanzania. Accordingly, a Consulting Company...

Open CRS | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Open CRS http://opencrs.com/document/R40990/2009-12-22/download/1013/ or here (pdf)

Wealth Bulletin | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Earth Capital Partners, the green alternatives fund manager founded by Stanley Fink, has hired three executives to focus on sustainable agriculture investment, after the Copenhagen climate summit reached agreement regarding deforestation and reforestation.  

Brunei FM | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

HARARE, Jan 25 (NNN-NEW ZIANA) — Zimbabwe’s Forestry Commission is weighing the economic benefits of maintaining forests to qualify for investment under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, says the commission’s Information and Communication Manager, Abedinigo...

Environment News Service | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

MUZAFFARABAD, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, January 25, 2010 (ENS) - Yousaf Butt, a timber worker in the Neelum Valley at the Line of Control in Kashmir, is worried about his job because of government plans to enforce a ban on the cutting of trees. Butt and his colleagues fear the decision will shut...

Times Online | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Britain’s forest cover could double under a plan to map every underused piece of land for potential conversion to plantations to feed wood and crop-burning power stations. Millions of fast-growing trees, such as eucalyptus and willow, could be planted on moorland, hillsides, former industrial...

Mongabay | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Analysts in Europe and the United States are using high resolution satellite imagery to identify and track shipments of timber illegally logged from rainforest parks in Madagascar. The images could be used to help prosecute traders involved in trafficking and put pressure on companies using...

Burgenländischer Waldverband | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Was bedeutet ein Preisangebot von 60.- EUR pro to atro für Energieholz? Was kostet dann der Festmeter des gleichen Energieholzes? Ein Beispiel: Ein Waldbesitzer hat für den Verkauf von Energieholz zwei verschiedene Kaufanbote vorliegen: Kaufanbot von Händler A: 60.-/to atro EUR Kaufanbot von...

The Vancouver Sun | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

China's largest producer of rayon fibre has bought an ownership position in a northern Vancouver Island pulp mill, providing it with needed capital and assured access to the Chinese market. Port Alice's Neucel Specialty Cellulose announced Friday that it has entered into a deal with Zhejian...

The Guardian | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The UK is one of the least forested countries in Europe. The growing maturity of UK woodlands means that carbon sequestration is falling rapidly. From Carbon Commentary, part of the Guardian Environment Network

Carbon Positive | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

A forest carbon developer has claimed the first validation of a reforestation project to the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS), using the opportunity to argue for what it sees as the critical role for forest planting in a sector where attention is turning very much to avoided deforestation, or...

Forest Ethics | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Nature, Carbon and Climate Change in British Columbia by Dr. Jim Pojar; Commissioned by the Working Group on Biodiversity, Forests and Climate, an alliance of ENGOs including ForestEthics January 28th, 2010 New report and accompanying letter signed by top international scientists and...

Engineering News | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Paper and pulp producer Sappi, which is in the final stages of closing its Usutu operations, in Swaziland, has received approaches from several interested buyers, but it could not disclose the nature of the bids at this stage. Sappi CEO Ralph Boëttger said that the decision to close Usutu by the...

The Enterprise Capenews | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

It’s been a month after COP 15, the UN Climate Change conference that was supposed to give the world a new system for reducing carbon emissions. A month to reflect, regroup, and respond to this reporter’s questions about what happened, and what didn’t, in Copenhagen.

Newswire | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

 TORONTO, Jan. 28 /CNW/ - Sino-Forest Corporation (TSX: TRE) ("Sino-Forest"), a leading commercial forest plantation operator in China, announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sino-Panel (China) Investments Limited has entered into a Master Agreement for the Purchase of Pine and Chinese...

Business Times | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

MALAYSIA'S timber products will use the "green lane" to the European market next year, in line with the implementation of the European Union's (EU) timber trade legislation, says the EU ambassador Vincent Piket. Malaysia is undertaking a bilateral voluntary partnership with the EU under its...


by Dr. Radut