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All global forest info at your mousecklick...

Environmental Leader | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The global forest carbon offset market is projected to grow from $42.0 million in 2010 to $65.1 million in 2015, according to the latest issue of EL Insights. This represents a compound annual growth rate of 9.2% during this time period.

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

It appears Ghana would have some tough decisions to make in the future regarding whether it should allow mining in the country's forest reserves or not. This is because, as explained by Mr. Oppon Sasu of the Forestry Commission, "every forest reserve in the country is sitting on one mineral...

The Jakarta Post | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Looking to influence how climate change money is allocated, Indonesia will nominate a candidate to serve on the Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) board, the Environment Minister says. The GCF, which implements the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), will have 25 board members, and be...

ClimateMediaPartnership | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

From the start of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in Cancun, a global agreement to curb carbon emissions by stopping widespread deforestation was expected to be one of the talks’ main achievements. But on the sidelines many feared the pressure for a deal on  the long-...

Phnom Penh Post | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

CAYMAN Islands-registered Green Glory Ltd is in the process of obtaining management rights to establish a carbon credit scheme using Cambodia’s forests, according to a company statement. The firm is seeking rights to 450,000 hectares of the Kingdom’s woodlands for supply-side carbon credits. It...

The Boston Globe | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

FORGET ANY spin. In the end, the recent UN gathering on climate change in Cancún repeated Copenhagen’s failure in 2009. Again, the world’s industrial economies refused to set new binding reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, despite dire warnings by scientists. Instead, delegates again...

LiveMint | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Strict emissions control standards can impoverish the world’s poor and their less-developed governments alike Third World activists are often animated by an anti-colonial instinct that induces them to oppose initiatives of Western governments, especially when it comes to globalization or...

CITOLA | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

As we stated in a previous post California, the world’s 8th largest economy, has approved an extensive cap-and-trade carbon trading scheme to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Analysts have predicted that the market will grow from US $1.7 billion in 2012 to nearly $10 billion in 2016 with prices...

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

(Reuters) - Lakes and rivers emit far more of a powerful greenhouse gas than previously thought, counteracting the overall role of nature in soaking up climate-warming gases, a study showed on Thursday. A review of 474 freshwater systems indicated they emitted methane equivalent to 25 percent...

LowCarbonEconomy | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Despite not agreeing legally binding commitments to reduce emissions, the Cancun conference does give more momentum to global, regional and local efforts to address climate change. As a result, the creation of incentives, penalties and trading arrangements in various forms in different markets...

The Independent Online | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The Federal Government has underlined the importance of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programme as a responsive measure to mitigate climate change effects.  

The Independent Online | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

There is concern that over 90 per cent of Nigeria’s forests have already gone, and more than half of what remains is found in Cross River State. The forest there is considered to be one of the richest biodiversity reserves in Africa.   Last December in Copenhagen, the state’s officials unveiled...

German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and consumer protection | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

In the margins of the UN Climate Change Conference (29.11. – 10.12.2010 in Cancun, Mexico), the Federal Government signed an agreement with the World Bank on the funding of forest-protection projects. Germany contributes 44 million Euros under the so-called Forest Carbon Partnership. This sum...

Green PolicyProf | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Forests can emit carbon dioxide when the land is cleared, especially through burning, or when trees are left to rot. On the flip side, forests can soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates about 20% of global carbon dioxide emissions...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

As Ecosystem Marketplace wishes you and yours some New Years luck in this special edition, we offer a look back at 2010 – replaying your reader-ranked Top (20)10 Stories and sage predictions for the coming year from some of the market’s most influential players.

Stabroek News | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

(De Ware Tijd) – In January, construction will start of a so-called ‘carbon lab’ at the premises of Berg en Dal on the Suriname River. This research project, which will measure the storage of carbon in the soil and trees, must provide more information about the monetary value of Suriname’s forests...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

31 December 2010 | REDD burst into general awareness at the end of 2009, when the Copenhagen Accord recognized the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, forest degradation, and other land-use practices.  Then, in January, Ecosystem Marketplace's State of the Forest Carbon...

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Q1. What is the UN-REDD Programme? Answer:

iStockAnalyst | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Shanxi, Dec. 28, 2010 (Xinhua News Agency) -- A newly planted forest will neutralize carbon dioxide emissions from a UN climate change conference as China ups its efforts to combat climate change, an official said here Tuesday.

Yale 360 | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Flying over the Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea, rainforest stretches like a sea of green, broken only by rugged mountain ranges and winding rivers. The verdant canopy shows little sign of human influence. But as you near Jayapura, the provincial capital of Papua, the tree cover...


by Dr. Radut