While the spectacular conference centre where the current climate talks are held looks rather unworldly, it is important to look at the realities behind these negotiations. In Paraguay, for example, the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions is deforestation. The main driver of forest loss is...
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The day of the COP inauguration, a conference about CARBON TRADE took place facilitated by Nicholas Stern. The event had the presence of ministers and other authorities of different countries. Surprisingly the center of the discussion was how to allow developed countries that are not going to be...
It's a timber company's dream but a horrific industrial vision for others: massive plantations of densely planted GM eucalyptus trees stretching across Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia and China, engineered to grow 40% faster for use as paper, as pellets for power stations and as fuel for cars.
Through the REDD+ Partnership, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), have launched an online database of REDD+ investments. The voluntary REDD+ database (VRD) was launched with data...
Countries need to ensure that their forest monitoring activities under REDD+ move beyond just measuring carbon emissions and changes in forest area – they should be integrated with monitoring of other forest values like biodiversity and rural social conditions, said experts on the sidelines of the...
A new report entitled, "Equitable Benefit Sharing: Exploring Experiences and Lessons for REDD+ in Tanzania" has just been published. The report and an accompanying information summary were developed in collaboration with the nine NGOs that are implementing REDD+ pilot projects in Tanzania.
by Maryanne Grieg-Gran While REDD+ is aimed at reducing emissions from forests, its effectiveness will depend on how much the benefits trickle down to those living closest to the forest. These same rural households are also best placed to provide local evidence of what works and what doesn’t, to...
The Lao-European Union Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) process will help Laos to reduce illegal deforestation and promote good forest governance, which will bolster poverty reduction and sustainable management of natural resources. Officials from relevant government...
Greenpeace is leaving the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA). The organization released photos today with GPS tagged coordinates showing that logging roads have been built in Quebec’s Montagnes Blanches region that is managed by Resolute Forest Products and claims the roads are a violation of...
The once-promising REDD text has passed from the scientific negotiating track to the long-term action track with key provisions unresolved after Norway vetoed a last-minute compromise that Papua New Guinea had brokered between Brazil and the United States. At issue is the amount of verification...
Forests must be fully valued for their contribution to economic growth and social progress, and included in the next set of global development goals, experts and officials told a forest conference on Sunday. Wu Hongbo, U.N. Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, said the inter-...
Energy and Climate Secretary Edward Davey today outlined new innovative plans to tackle deforestation as part of the UK’s international climate change commitments. The Government has set out plans for working with the private sector and rainforest countries so that the timber and foodstuffs we buy...
Though degraded forest cover is increasing in many regions, difficulties in defining these areas of land and accurately measuring their carbon stocks has seen degradation left by the wayside in the global debate about Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+), says a...
This Cookbook is an easy-to-understand technical manual which provide basic knowledge and technologies required for REDD-plus with the main focus on the forest carbon monitoring methods. It comprises of four parts: Introduction, Planning, Technics, and References.
November, 2012. Antonio G.M. La Vina, Leticia Labre, Lawrence Ang, and Alaya de Leon. Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development. 12 pages Summary This paper considers developments to date in the UNFCCC and in the REDD+ Partnership and provides analysis on possible future...
For those of us with hazy recollections of the middle of the last decade, it is easy to forget that when REDD+ was assigned to the mitigation stream under the UNFCCC, many commentators, including indigenous peoples, thought it should straddle both adaptation and mitigation[1].
On Oct. 22, the House of Representatives endorsed formation of the province of North Kalimantan and regencies of Pangandaran, South Coast Lampung, South Manokwari and Arfak Mountains. A study jointly conducted by researchers from the London School of Economics (LSE), the Massachusetts Institute of...
The concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+) has been touted as one of the success stories of international negotiation on...