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PaperIndex News | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

Södra has chosen to leave the project with Angara Paper to build a greenfield pulp mill in Russia. Södra was invited to take part in a project to build a greenfield pulp mill in southern Siberia. Södra’s role in the project was to be an industrial partner and to handle the marketing and sales of...

Government of British Columbia | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

To increase harvesting activity on the coast, government is exploring the use of new scanner technology for scaling logs, accelerating the auction of an additional 500,000 cubic metres by BC Timber Sales, improving the log-export system and exploring ways to better harvest the timber profile....

Environment Magazine | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

The tiny global minority residing in rural frontier areas—how long people remain there; the timing, magnitude, and characteristics of their consumption; and their demographic transitions—promises a vast impact on future tropical deforestation. It is here, not in cities and not in long-settled rural...

PR-Canada | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

The news that the World Bank's Forestry Carbon Fund has been boosted by an impressive $180 million in funding, has been welcomed by FRA. Seattle, United States, January 16, 2013 -- The news that the World Bank's Forestry Carbon Fund has been boosted by an impressive $180 million in funding, has...

ICIMOD | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

ICIMOD and WWF-Pakistan in collaboration with the Balochistan Forest Department organized district-level consultation workshops in Ziarat District and Zhob District to work with local communities and other stakeholders to identify drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in their

The Guardian | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

An indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon has won a reprieve after building up an arsenal of spears, blowpipes, machetes and guns to fend off an expected intrusion by the army and a state-run oil company.

GIZ | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

Title: Development of integrated MRV systems for REDD+ in the SADC region Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety Country: Southern African Development Community (SADC): Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho,...

CIGAR | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

The UN climate talks in Doha, Qatar left key advocates red in the face due to the inability to agree on the verification of emission reductions required to advance implementation of REDD+.

Voice of America | vor 12 Jahre 1 month

Forestry experts say it is time for a new approach in mitigating the causes of climate change.  And while the 2012 U.N. Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, brought no decisions regarding the important role agriculture and forestry play in reducing carbon emissions, some awareness was brought...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

It is certainly inappropriate to respond to the apparently slow pace of UNFCCC deliberations by proposing old-fashioned solutions that have been shown to be inadequate. For example, project-based approaches to forest problems have been demonstrated to be ineffective many times over. A decade ago,...

INBAR | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

It is estimated that bamboo forests and plantations cover 35 to 50 million hectares today, which translates into a significant amount of stored carbon. Studies show that bamboo could be grown on many millions more hectares of degraded land in the tropics and subtropics, where it could provide...

IIED | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Deforestation is a complex problem. Almost 50 countries are now working towards REDD+ programmes — new plans to reduce climate change from loss of forests — and they are running into difficult dilemmas. Should REDD+ be led by a forestry agency, or by a cross-sectoral institution that can deal with...

Vietnam Net | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Local residents who have been living together with the forests, considering the forests as their homes, still devastate the forests. It’s because they need land for agricultural production. In late October 2012, a meeting was held in Dong Giang district, in the central province of Quang Nam to...

PLOS|One | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

We use economy-wide simulation methods to analyze the outcome of a simple REDD+program in a mixed subsistence/ commercial-agriculture economy. Alternative scenarios help trace REDD+’s causal chain, revealing how trade-offs between the program’s public and private costs and benefits determine its...

Forest Trends | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

In order to inform Myanmar’s first multi-stakeholder national dialogue workshop on land tenure and user rights (held November 24th & 25th, 2012), Forest Trend’s Senior Law & Policy Advisor Rob Oberndorf was asked to conduct an in-depth analysis of recently enacted land legislation in the...

International Forest Industries | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Harvard Management Company, which manages Harvard University’s US$30.7 billion endowment fund, has sold down its stake in the central North Island Kaingaroa forest in New Zealand. Canada’s public sector pension fund is picking up the bulk and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund taking a small bite...

China.org | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

A project that has reforested 3,000 hectares of previously barren land in China’s southwest Guangxi is issuing its first carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanism. The Facilitating Reforestation for Guangxi Watershed Management in Pearl River Basin Project was the first reforestation...

IPS News | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Imagine Guyana and Dominica without forests and rivers, or Antigua, Barbados and St. Lucia without beaches. Atherton Martin, a conservationist and former minister of agriculture in Dominica, says climate change should be forcing Caribbean countries to take a hard look at how they are managing their...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Intact ecosystems – particularly forests – contain significant amounts of carbon. Their conservation is therefore a relatively cost-efficient way to protect the climate.

ICIMOD | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

In collaboration with the Sindh Forest Department, ICIMOD and WWF Pakistan jointly organized consultation workshops with local communities and other stakeholders to identify local drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.


by Dr. Radut