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Mongabay | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

An initiative that aims to slow global warming by paying developing countries to protect and better manage their forests is expected to be an important storyline during climate talks in Doha this week and next. REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), as the mechanism is known...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Though degraded forest cover is increasing in many regions, difficulties in defining these areas of land and accurately measuring their carbon stocks has seen degradation left by the wayside in the global debate about Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+), says a...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

November, 2012. Antonio G.M. La Vina, Leticia Labre, Lawrence Ang, and Alaya de Leon. Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development. 12 pages Summary This paper considers developments to date in the UNFCCC and in the REDD+ Partnership and provides analysis on possible future...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

The purpose of this briefing paper is to assist developing country negotiators and others involved in the negotiations on REDD-plus. At the Durban Climate Change Conference in 2011 the COP decided that the AWG-LCA would continue for one year and then be terminated (see decision 1/CP.17). It is not...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

The development of a system for forest monitoring and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) is an on-going priority – and challenge – for REDD+ countries. Although many countries already have some form of national forest monitoring in place, the existing capacity often falls short of the...

KUENSEL | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

A total of 152 households in Samtse will now take care of 582.11 acres of forest land with the dzongkhag administration handing over four community forest ownership certificates and 15 private forest certificates to the beneficiaries on November 15. The move is expected to boost income generation...

TFT | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Brazilian forestry company LN Guerra has achieved FSC certification for Mamuru, its 46-000 hectare concession in Para state.  This is the first forest concession in Brazil to achieve FSC certification.

Friends of the Earth | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Existential crises usually kick in mid-life, as one wakes and wonders: what is my purpose in life? Why am I here, and where am I going? Though still in its infancy, the Green Climate Fund, a new institution of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, is confronting such profound...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Deep inside a logging concession in southern Cameroon, scientists from the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) are measuring the carbon content of a huge tree, selectively felled by a timber company. They’re hoping to bolster scientific evidence that shows sustainable timber...

JIKU-Bund.de | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

This policy paper aims at identifying and assessing the prerequisites developing countries should fulfill in order to access a future market-based REDD+ mechanism. Using four different evaluation criteria the areas of "technical readiness", institutional and legal readiness" and "policy readiness"...

TD-Waterhouse | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

SAO PAULO, Oct 30 (Reuters Point Carbon) - Peru's government has requested technical and financial support from the World Bank to support its plans to study the adoption of a greenhouse gas emissions trading system, according to official documents. The South-American country requested support from...

Before Its News | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

A world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050 is going to create ever-greater demand for food and fuel, putting ever-growing pressure on forests. Our conventional way of looking at forests as a resource heavily favors the short-term strictly monetary gains associated with clearing forests...

Forest Trends | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

The report, which aggregates data from 415 individual forest carbon projects historically, was published Thursday by Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace, a world-leading provider of news, data and analytics on environmental markets and investments in conservation. The report examines a variety of...

Ghana Business | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

A joint Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report released Monday, November 5, 2012, has revealed that deforestation deprived Kenya’s economy of 6.6 billion shillings ($77million) in 2009 and 5.8 billion shillings ($68 million) in 2010, making it a total of $ 14 in just...

vor 12 Jahre 2 months

The price of forest carbon credits doubled in 2011, leading to a record market value of $237 million as more country programs embraced mechanisms that use carbon finance to plant or replenish endangered forests, according to the latest "State of Forest Carbon Markets" report, which aggregates data...

4-Traders | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Amazonas Florestal, Ltd. (OTCPK: AZFL), a diversified forest management company generating profit through innovative, sustainable forest management, today released a letter from President & CEO Michael Ibar to its shareholders: OUR MISSION Amazonas Florestal is positioned to be an industry...

Phys.org | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

Experts are urging policy makers to preserve mangroves and their essential services to nature and humanity alike, saying their replacement with shrimp farms and other forms of development is a bad economic tradeoff both short and long-term.

Engineering News | vor 12 Jahre 2 months

A US initiative to document forestry land rights is expected to promote sustainable agroforestry, environmental protection and the rural livelihoods of the upper Guinean tropical forest. Information group Thomson Reuters and the US Forestry Service (USFS) have teamed up to provide resources to...


by Dr. Radut