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Stock and Land Farm Online | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

AN urgent imperative exists to change how the Australian landscape is managed, for food security and climate change reasons, especially farmland, according to former Governor General, Major-General Michael Jeffery. But in that transition, farmers must be viewed not only as food growers but as...

Mongabay | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The Indian government has approved a bold plan to expand and improve the quality of its forests as a part of the nation's National Action Plan on Climate Change. The reforestation plan, dubbed the National Mission for a Green India (NMGI), will expand forests by five million hectares (over 12...

Climate-L | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

23 February 2011: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced two projects aimed at conserving forests and promoting sustainable development in remote rural communities in Latin America and Asia, as the 2011 recipients of the Sasakawa Prize.

BBC | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The UK is to stop direct aid to 16 countries, including Russia, China and Iraq, papers seen by the BBC suggest. A draft copy of a government review of its £7.8bn overseas aid budget - to be published this week - also reveals assistance for India will be frozen. But, overall, the international...

Kaieteur News | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

…three months after Jagdeo’s outburst about World Bank delay

Georgia Pacific | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Georgia-Pacific previously announced it is expanding its forest protection and sustainability efforts with an updated policy to better identify and protect endangered forests in the United States; promote conservation of forest diversity; and enhance its sustainable forestry and recycling...

Green Antilles | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

In 2007 the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations began a search for instances of good forest management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The results of that search were published last year, with the hope that the cases highlighted would provide inspiration and guidance...

vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The Nicola Thompson Fraser Sustainable Forest Management Plan will foster forest management practices based on science, professional experience and local public and First Nations input that contribute to the long-term health and productivity of forest ecosystems, a strong economy and thriving...

Business Wire | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

AKARTA, Indonesia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Indonesian-based Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) is expanding internal auditing and certification mandates for its pulpwood suppliers as part of its commitment to achieve 100 percent Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) certification by the end of 2020.

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

In the UN-REDD Report entitled "Agricultural Expansion and Deforestation", authors Linda Rosengren (UN-REDD Programme) and Christina Seeberg-Elverfeldt (Natural Resources Management and Environment Department, FAO) compare the different factors contributing to deforestation in Africa, Asia...

Business Wire | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ecotrust today announced the results of a carbon analysis for Oregon’s Elliott State Forest. The study evaluated potential carbon storage under a range of forest management scenarios, and found that the carbon storage benefits of reducing timber harvests on the...

EIB | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) hat ihre Finanzierungen für Klimaschutzprojekte auf 19 Mrd. EUR gesteigert; damit entfallen auf den Klimaschutz beeindruckende 30% der gesamten Darlehen, die die Bank im Jahr 2010 in der Europäischen Union (EU) vergeben hat.  Gegenüber 16 Mrd. EUR im Vorjahr...

The Pine Tree | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Judge Patrick Riley in El Dorado County presided over a consolidated case in which environmental activists challenged 19 Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs) submitted to the state by Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) in eight counties. Plaintiffs argued that the plans did not comply with the California...

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

UPM expands its nursery in Joroinen, Finland and builds a second nursery in Uruguay according to a press release from the company. These expansions are said to secure the availability of high quality seedlings and seed material, which is the basis for successful tree cultivation both for the...

Forest Portal | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

In 2010, the European Investment Bank (EIB) increased financing for climate action projects to €19 billion, representing 30% of its lending in the European Union, and up from €16 billion in 2009. In 2010, total EIB lending reached €72 billion – €63 billion in the EU, and €9 billion outside the EU...

Times | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

I've got one more tidbit from last weekend's meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and it's nothing less than a new scientific concept: telecoupling.

234 Next | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

The British government will support Nigeria’s effort to manage her environment through reduction of carbon emission, Henry Bellingham, British minister for Africa and the United Nations, said yesterday in Abuja. Mr. Bellingham, who spoke at the ministries of environment and foreign affairs when...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 4 months

Effective immediately, the new allowable annual cut for the Mid Coast timber supply area in British Columbia will be decreased by 23% to 767,000 cubic metres. “This new cut level reflects the creation of new conservancies and the adoption of ecosystem-based management objectives as a result of...


by Dr. Radut