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Forest Peoples | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

On the occasion of the first Board meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) and Jaringan Orang Asal Se-Malaysia (JOAS) are publishing a report titled: “Indigenous Peoples and the Green Climate Fund – A technical briefing for Indigenous Peoples, policymakers and s

FAO | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

A new regional initiative will help ten Central African countries to set up advanced national forest monitoring systems, FAO announced today. The ten countries are part of the Congo Basin and include Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the...

DAWN | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

THE FORESTS in Pakistan are severely threatened by growing consumption of fuel wood and illegal logging. It is feared that if immediate action is not taken this natural resource would be totally consumed within next 15 years. While forests cover 2.5 per cent of the country’s land, Pakistan has the...

CIFOR | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

The main drivers of deforestation worldwide are no longer subsistence-level farmers trying to put food on their tables, but corporations, converting massive tracts of land for industrial agriculture, said the founder of the Mongabay website, adding that this offers a rare opportunity for...

IPS News | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

A new system to calculate the amount of greenhouse gases generated by deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon jungle region has come at a good time for assessing the effects of the reform of the country’s forest code. The new satellite system optimises government monitoring of forests. Carbon dioxide (CO2...

Greenwood Management | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

Rotation lengths, thinning years and intensities are usually the focus of forestry management guidelines. However, a new study has suggested that these might not be the best areas to focus on. Funded by the EU and conducted by Finnish researchers, the study found that the uncertainty of economic...

FOCALI | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

Two years ago Focali published an update on the latest development in REDD+ pilot initiatives (Focali Brief 2010:04). We now revisit the REDD+ scene to take a look at what has happened with the initiatives, investments and readiness work as the negotiations seem to have lost momentum. The brief...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

June, 2012. Tim Cadman & Tek Maraseni. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol 55 (5). DOI:10.1080/09640568.2011.619851 Summary

Yahoo News | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

OSLO (Reuters) - Forests in East Africa have shrunk over the past years, especially around the fringes of parks, complicating efforts to protect wildlife and fight climate change, a study showed on Monday.

International Forest Industries | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

The South Australian state government has agreed to sell the South East timber harvesting rights to a consortium led by The Campbell Group (TCG) for an undisclosed amount. Backed by Australia’s Future Fund, the U.S. based timberland investment group outbid proposals from Hancocks and New Forests...

Korea Herald | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

Over 100 high-level officials from 11 countries participate in two-day special meeting to discuss forestation cooperation Forestry ministers from Korea and member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are to announce the Seoul Declaration on Forestry on Thursday, which vows...

Forest Talk | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

The National Post made mention today of the shrinking talent pool for Canada’s forestry sector. “The industry experienced a dramatic job loss across Canada in recent years,” says Jim Farrell, executive director of the Forest Products Sector Council in Ottawa. “I’d say we were pretty much close to...

Rights and Resources | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

By providing estimated figures for indigenous and forest peoples’ populations in countries and regions across the globe, this report seeks to raise awareness of the existence of peoples who primarily depend on forests for their livelihoods, and to enhance their visibility as key actors and rights-...

Climate-L | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

26 July 2012: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a technical paper (FCCC/TP/2012/3) on financing options for the full implementation of results-based actions relating to the activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in...

Engineering News | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

Stated-owned forestry company Safcol, which improved its financial performance in 2011/12 on the back of a recovery in lumber markets, expects to complete a review into its future role and structure by September, which could open the way for it to again invest in sawmilling and extend its Southern...

ECO-Business | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

“The government took our forest land to create a forest reserve and the same government confiscated our land for planting trees. All that is left is unproductive savannah,” said a community representative speaking during a meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

July, 2012. Anne M Larson, Juan M Pulhin. Conservation and Society. Volume: 10 (2). Pages 103-113. DOI: 10.4103/0972-4923.97482 Forest tenure reforms have offered new opportunities for communities to obtain formal rights to forests and forest benefits, but at the same time a variety of limitations...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 11 Jahre 10 months

When: Aug 23 - 25, 2012 Where: Geneva, Switzerland Organized By: Green Climate Fund The first meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund, the global institution set up to channel support to developing countries to act on climate change, will take place on 23-25 August 2012.  


by Dr. Radut