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International ForestIndustries | vor 11 Jahre 7 months

Pellet exports from the two primary pellet-producing regions on the North American continent, the U.S. South and British Columbia, have continued to grow, reaching a new record high of 760,000 tons in the 2Q/12, according to data from the pellet industry and customs statistics compiled by the North...

UNEP | vor 11 Jahre 7 months

In 2009 the Governments of Guyana and Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Joint Concept Note pledging that the countries will “work together to provide the world with a relevant, replicable model for how REDD+ can align the development objectives of forest countries with the world’s...

Governing | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

For decades, Lock Haven, Pa., has secured its municipal water supply from 5,200 acres of city-owned forest in northern Pennsylvania’s Appalachian Mountains. In the past, the city kept its water rates down by logging hemlock, hardwoods and other timber from the property. But this summer, Lock Haven...

Reuters | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

About a dozen companies are contributing to a novel conservation plan that pays Ecuador to protect part of the Amazon rainforest in return for barring oil drilling, the head of the initiative said on Friday. Ivonne Baki said the scheme to conserve the Yasuni area of the Amazon basin, launched by...

ECO-Business | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

Keeping coastal mangrove forests intact or replanting them is cheaper than building man-man structure to protect coastlines threatened by climate change, according to the head of the International Union for Conservation for Nature (IUCN).

PrWEB | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

Carbon Offsets To Alleviate Poverty (COTAP.org) today announced its partnership with the William J. Clinton Foundation, adding the Clinton Development Initiative’s (CDI) Trees of Hope project in Malawi as the fourth project to its growing portfolio of certified forestry carbon projects. Through...

News Costa Rica | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

Thick cloudy skies subdued the sunlight on an autumnal day in Paris. That did not stop the group of representatives from the public and private sector attending the 5th Carbon Fund Meeting of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) from making a decision that is a major milestone. Costa Rica...

Envrionmental Research Web | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

To date, most estimates of the carbon emissions resulting from tropical deforestation have used data on changes in forest area and timber harvesting submitted to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). However, figures submitted to the FAO can be unreliable and the carbon cycle "bookkeeping...

Herald Online | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

EMERYVILLE, Calif., Oct. 22, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ -- SCS Global Services announced the validation of the Madre de Dios Carbon Offset Project under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), thereby allowing the project to generate carbon credits that will finance the protection of key Peruvian rainforest...

International Forest Industries | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

Log costs for Russian sawmills did not fall as the Russian government intended when it implemented a 25 percent log export tariff in 2008. Instead, sawlog prices have increased by 24 percent the past three years and the supply of logs has been tight in 2012, according to a new report by the Wood...

ForestTalk | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

With the release of ‘Beyond the Beetle: A Mid-Term Timber Supply Action Plan’, we have outlined a clear strategy to help our forests recover from the damage done by the mountain pine beetle infestation. Unfortunately the release of the action plan has led to the spread of misinformation and it’s...

EURACTIV | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

Greenhouse gas emissions from biofuels such as palm oil, soybean and rapeseed are higher than those for fossil fuels when the effects of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) are counted, according to leaked EU data seen by EurActiv.

Sydney Morning Herald | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

United Nations Certified Emission Reductions dropped to their lowest ever as German power for 2013 fell to a record amid Europe’s continued debt crisis. CERs for 2012 decreased 12 per cent to close at 1.46 euros ($1.82) a metric ton on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London. European Union...

ReddNetBlog | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

As a primarily local issue, adaptation has more direct relevance to local people than the mitigation potential of REDD+, and in the absence of long term monetary benefits from REDD+, could emphasising the tangible contributions to local environmental conditions and wider governance reforms of REDD...

International Forest Industries | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

The US imported much more timber in July. There was a 21% increase in imports from June to July. The largest increase came from an influx of lumber from Canada, where a large portion of US imports come from. The US imported 56% more lumber from Chile, while New Zealand supply fell behind Chile’s,...

CIFOR | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

BOGOR, Indonesia (16 October, 2012)_Making informed decisions on how to reduce carbon emissions from forestry and agriculture requires some solid knowledge about potential tradeoffs between development and conservation objectives: what you manage to win through  avoided deforestation or reduced...

http://www.internationalforestindustries.com | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

University of Canterbury researchers have made a breakthrough in treating export logs by heating them using high voltage electricity. Export logs are usually fumigated to rid the timber of pests, such as insects and fungi which could pose a biosecurity threat. “Methyl bromide has been the most...

Times Colonist | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

As it looks for ways to shore up the province's timber industry, the B.C. government is in danger of not seeing the forest for the trees. The harvesting of pine beetle-damaged logs is winding down, and now lumber mills in the Interior face a shortage of logs. The government, as it should, is...

Times Colonist | vor 11 Jahre 8 months

Re: "Manage forests for the future," Oct. 17. The editorial is spot-on in many respects. What it omits is that presentations to the Special Committee on Timber Supply did not support the unsustainable logging of old-growth reserve forests, of sensitive areas and of marginally economic forests at...


by Dr. Radut