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Timber procurement

Wood supply - Timber and renewables procurement

Beeing one of the most critical aspects of manufacturing forest products, following processes of procurement of wooden raw materials can be supported by us:

  • Acquiring the “right” log
  • Transporting the log to the facitily and
  • Balancing woodyard stock
But there is still another very important aspect of timber procurement which has to be considered:
 Timber and wooden biomass must be of
legal and


Observing this rule the global forest products industry may contribute to the economic development and social well-being of local rural communities worldwide.

We can support you in developing a policy for Responsible Timber Procurement because we are committed to play our part in the challenge of promoting sustainable development, to improve environmental and forest practices along the timber supply chain and to combat illegal logging.

Procurement of timber and wooden biomass is a permanent challenge for every industrial consumer, therefore sourcing, logistics and the sustainable development of the growing region needs to be joined under the umbrella of a responsible and economic efficient timber procurement program. We can assist you in developing such a procurement program.

Story | by Dr. Radut