Appropriate forest legislation is an essential requirement for the protection and conservation of forests and for sustainable forest resources development. In many countries the process to revise and amend forest laws has gained momentum over the years. Changes to improve the legal framework have been induced by growing political importance of forests at local and national levels as well as to the international community
With our comprehensive knowledge in forest policy development and forest legislation we can help our customers to
- develop forest legislation to fulfill state of the art environmental, social and economic requirements
- develop sustainable national forest sector policies by integrating forests, forests industries and environmental constraints
Our services cover
- Forest sector studies
- Survey and support of stakholder processes
- Subject matter input to any kind of sector policy development in all fields of forest management and forest industry supply chain management
- Development of sector strategies in the area of conflict of timber utilizsation for energy and paper/boards
Reference example: The Austrian Forest Agenda (Text as Download, 8,8 MB)