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REDD+ Capacity building

Stabroek News | 14 years 4 months ago

A lack of money hinders the National Toshaos’ Council (NTC) from holding further consultations in Amerindian communities about government’s forest preservation strategies, the organisation’s head, Yvonne Pearson says.

Stabroeck News | 14 years 4 months ago

Some Indigenous leaders, who recently voiced concerns about the scope of government consultations over forest preservation plans, have since been victims of intimidation tactics, the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) disclosed yesterday, while maintaining that genuine concerns of communities...

Stabroeck News | 14 years 4 months ago

Indigenous leaders say that they support “in principle” proposals that aim to protect standing forests but said that they must not be pressured into make decisions without full understanding of the implications of such policies. “Recognizing that the indigenous peoples of Guyana are the...


by Dr. Radut