June, 2012. Tim Cadman & Tek Maraseni. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol 55 (5). DOI:10.1080/09640568.2011.619851 Summary
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This study analyses similarities and differences in conditions and factors relevant for the implementation of REDD+ activities in a group of 26 Latin American, African and Asian countries.
When I started working on forest governance issues, back in the late 1990s, you could talk about governance and corruption issues only in hushed tones. Since then, through a series of global efforts, we have progressed to a point where the state of forest governance can be openly debated at public...
This report has been produced for the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as part of the activities in response to decision X/33 paragraph 9 (h), in which the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive Secretary to ‘…identify possible indicators to assess the...